Limbo Land. Wanting To Meet Someone Bald Or Fullhead.


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I don't want to date again until I'm at least a nw2 or shaved bald.

I'd rather max my looks and be a fullhead again and meet someone as a fullhead and date good looking women.

Or; meet someone when I'm bald so that I would know they fancy me as a bald man.

Worst case scenario is meeting someone as a norwood 3 (which some people see as a fullhead) and then lose my hair over the next 2/3 years and have them lose attraction to me.

It means taking a year out of dating to see if finasteride can save me (2 months in!).

Does anyone else have the same issue?


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Are you saying gold bald during a relationship is automatic grounds for irreconcilable breakup?

Maybe you have deficiencies elsewhere? Or is that no longer an acceptable opinion around these parts?


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Are you saying gold bald during a relationship is automatic grounds for irreconcilable breakup?

Maybe you have deficiencies elsewhere? Or is that no longer an acceptable opinion around these parts?
I'm saying if you met someone with hair and then lost it then sexual attraction would be hindered and/or halted.

Most women aren't into bald men (although there is a small niche).


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I don't get it. You get with a woman,they WILL get fat, complacent and old. It's not only your looks that deteriorate.

If the relationship is of any substance none of that sh*t will even matter.