List of PGD2 Attackers On The Market -- Put Here


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I may be wrong here, but there aren't currently any of the right sort of 'PGD2 attacker' (crth2 antagonists) currently available on the mainstream market...
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I'm experimenting with my own concoction. The carrier oils used are virgin olive, avocado, jojoba, grapeseed and castor. The essential oils are cedarwood, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon and lavender.


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Oil of oregano contains even more carvacrol than thyme, or to better say, it is almost all carvacrol (the cox-2 inhibiting substance).And clove oil is almost entirely comprised of eugenol, a T->DHT inhibitor.Tea tree oil is also good.So, I would go oregano, rosemary, clove and tea tree.


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Hey I though I should share something that I just found when I was searching about the whole PGD2 cure thing.

If you look at the website for oxagen by clicking on that link, you can see that they have a CRTH2 inhibitor almost ready to be completed. If you look at the very bottom OC2286, it says suitable for topical use, selectivity, & potency established.

I mean why would someone need a topical for asthma? Could it be that they're working on a topical form for male pattern baldness, where it blocks the CRTH2 receptor hence limiting PGD2 on the scalp? It's already been identified that the CRTH2 and GPR44 pathways are the ones that need to be blocked in order to lower the PGD2 on the scalp.


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This is good stuff. I've been using oils topically alongside Cetirizine, mainly just because I feel it's good for the scalp and helps stop the skin from drying out. I'll certainly be applying oils more regularly after hearing about these COX inhibiting effects.


Established Member
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Its sad we dont have a PGD2 OTC medicine which can be repurposed for this, and all our options are about dealing with dodgy chinese shops on the net. :(


Senior Member
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...give it a bit of time...I think we're gonna see something "re-purposed" that already has FDA approval..