List Of Strongest To Weakest Antiandrogens


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Strength of Antiandrogens by % decrease in Prostate-Specific Antigen
(serum PSA is a biochemical marker of androgen action in tissues)

1. +100mg Bicalutamide (-97%)
2. 50mg Bicalutamide (-90%)
3. +750mg Flutamide (-75%)
4. 30mg Bicalutamide (-73%)
5. +50mg Cyproterone Acetate (-70%)
6.+200mg Spironolactone (-67%)
7. 10mg Bicalutamide (-57%)
8. 100mg Spironolactone (-46%)
9. 0.5mg Dutasteride (-35%)
10. 5mg Finasteride (-25%)


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Strength of Antiandrogens by % decrease in Prostate-Specific Antigen
(serum PSA is a biochemical marker of androgen action in tissues)

1. +100mg Bicalutamide (-97%)
2. 50mg Bicalutamide (-90%)
3. +750mg Flutamide (-75%)
4. 30mg Bicalutamide (-73%)
5. +50mg Cyproterone Acetate (-70%)
6.+200mg Spironolactone (-67%)
7. 10mg Bicalutamide (-57%)
8. 100mg Spironolactone (-46%)
9. 0.5mg Dutasteride (-35%)
10. 5mg Finasteride (-25%)
I'm illiterate in science. Please tell me which one (apart from fina and Duta) is the best for someone what want to remain (or become) masculine man and also want to retain & regrow hair?


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I'm illiterate in science. Please tell me which one (apart from fina and Duta) is the best for someone what want to remain (or become) masculine man and also want to retain & regrow hair?
well considering flutamine and bicalutamide do NOT lower testosterone (and in fact increase it) they are your best options. They have a high rate of gynecomastia due to being AR blockers so it would be a good idea to take a SERM like raloxifine/tamoxifen with them. If you do decide to take bicalutamide/flutamide w/ raloxifene/tamoxifen the only sides you would have are reduced body hair, reduced acne, and softer skin. Erectile Dysfunction is not a known side effect of either of these drugs.


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I'm illiterate in science. Please tell me which one (apart from fina and Duta) is the best for someone what want to remain (or become) masculine man and also want to retain & regrow hair?
going bald would make you more masculine, having acne and more body hair also increases masculinity. so be careful what you wish for.


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What about Lupron ? GnRh Agonist and antagonist ? They mimic surgical castration but they should be in the list.

And Estradiol ?
hmmm, yeah but it took like 2 hours looking at all the graphs and having to using my calculator and deduct the differences in DHT and T relative to the norm. I got tired after a while ;)

I do know however that more people survived prostate cancer on 150mg bica than those on CAB (gnrh agonists + castration)


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well considering flutamine and bicalutamide do NOT lower testosterone (and in fact increase it) they are your best options. They have a high rate of gynecomastia due to being AR blockers so it would be a good idea to take a SERM like raloxifine/tamoxifen with them. If you do decide to take bicalutamide/flutamide w/ raloxifene/tamoxifen the only sides you would have are reduced body hair, reduced acne, and softer skin. Erectile Dysfunction is not a known side effect of either of these drugs.
Thank-you very much, DHTcel.

My only issue with this would be that some people say tamoxifen/raloxifene may have negative impact on hair - that is, they might exacerbated hairloss. What us your take on this?
Also, there's a local serm available in India - Ormeloxifene - who activity is estrogenic in some part and anti-estrogenic in other (breasts, uterus etc). Should I prefer this over tamoxifen/raloxifene?
Link -


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going bald would make you more masculine, having acne and more body hair also increases masculinity. so be careful what you wish for.
Hahaha true, but understand I want to up my game so not having acne and body hair is actually a plus.
What I'm trying to ask is, would 50mg bicalutamide have any impact on my muscles? Would I lose them?

Only thing that is clear about bical is that although chances of gyno are higher, but that of other feminizing sides are very less, right?


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Thank-you very much, DHTcel.

My only issue with this would be that some people say tamoxifen/raloxifene may have negative impact on hair - that is, they might exacerbated hairloss. What us your take on this?
Also, there's a local serm available in India - Ormeloxifene - who activity is estrogenic in some part and anti-estrogenic in other (breasts, uterus etc). Should I prefer this over tamoxifen/raloxifene?
Link -
tamoxifen=bad for hair, raloxifen =not bad for hair, I've used both


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Hahaha true, but understand I want to up my game so not having acne and body hair is actually a plus.
What I'm trying to ask is, would 50mg bicalutamide have any impact on my muscles? Would I lose them?

Only thing that is clear about bical is that although chances of gyno are higher, but that of other feminizing sides are very less, right?
I know at 150mg bicalutamide there was no reduction on the ability to gain muscle mass. Bicalutamide/flutamide reduce androgenic traits more than stuff like spironolactone or cpa but don't actually make you more feminine or change your gender. here is a study on the effects bicalutamide has on muscle mass and bone
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I know at 150mg bicalutamide there was no reduction on the ability to gain muscle mass. Bicalutamide/flutamide reduce androgenic traits more than stuff like spironolactone or cpa but don't actually make you more feminine or change your gender. here is a study on the effects bicalutamide has on muscle mass and bone
That give me a refreshing feeling. :)

tamoxifen=bad for hair, raloxifen =not bad for hair, I've used both



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That give me a refreshing feeling. :)

One concerning thing about bicalutamide is it takes a LONG time to work. At 3 months bicalutamide 150mg reduced PSA by 88%. But at 6 months Bicalutamide reaches max effectiveness at reducing PSA by 97%. You probably won't see full major results until the 6 month mark.


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One concerning thing about bicalutamide is it takes a LONG time to work. At 3 months bicalutamide 150mg reduced PSA by 88%. But at 6 months Bicalutamide reaches max effectiveness at reducing PSA by 97%. You probably won't see full major results until the 6 month mark.
Yes, but whenever I'd start that would be an early start. I'm already on fina, topical and oral minoxidil. If this doesn't work out in about 6months, I would hop on bicalutamide.

Any thought on how to be off and on on bical? (taking the same assumption that the person taking it want to preserve masculinity)


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Yes, but whenever I'd start that would be an early start. I'm already on fina, topical and oral minoxidil. If this doesn't work out in about 6months, I would hop on bicalutamide.

Any thought on how to be off and on on bical? (taking the same assumption that the person taking it want to preserve masculinity)
u can't be off and on a NSAA AR blocker. If you use bicalutamide for a couple of months and then stop it, it will cause a PSA flare and drastically increase hair loss due to increased androgen levels. If you want you can just use a lower dose of it. Here is a list of dosages and gyno rates bro.


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u can't be off and on a NSAA AR blocker. If you use bicalutamide for a couple of months and then stop it, it will cause a PSA flare and drastically increase hair loss due to increased androgen levels. If you want you can just use a lower dose of it. Here is a list of dosages and gyno rates bro.
Umm.. But taking it for more than a year should surely convert me into a woman, right?


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Umm.. But taking it for more than a year should surely convert me into a woman, right?
Bicalutamide by itself will put your testosterone and estradiol levels at the top of the male range. It won't make you a woman.


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take a look at these 2 photos... @I'mme looks like gyno is at a very low rate with tamoxifen/ralox and no effect on libido function


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take a look at these 2 photos... @I'mme looks like gyno is at a very low rate with tamoxifen/ralox and no effect on libido function
Yea, I've seen it earlier as well, but I was told by someone that both tamoxifen as well as raloxifene are bad for hair. Now, I've been told that ralox isn't bad by @Father_of_Shiseido and you, so shouldn't be a problem. Has already started daydreaming hahah.

How do you think it would work in comparison to Cypro or spirono, for example? In terms of efficacy, not taking their horrible sides into consideration.


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@I'mme its TONS more effective than cypro and spironolactone, thats why its used in prostate cancer. there was a woman who was still balding on cyproterone and finasteride and ethanol estradiol, but flutamide got her to regain 21% hair. (bicalutamide is stronger than flutamine)


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@I'mme its TONS more effective than cypro and spironolactone, thats why its used in prostate cancer. there was a woman who was still balding on cyproterone and finasteride and ethanol estradiol, but flutamide got her to regain 21% hair. (bicalutamide is stronger than flutamine)
Would you ever hop on it in future? We've only one person taking it - Ikarus. Ein took it and was a success story.