Live normally after hair transplant?


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Hey guys, I'm a 22 year old college student with a pretty bad hairline. At this point I would say I am NW4 or NW4A. My hairline has been about the same for 4-5 years too I would say. Maybe SLIGHTLY thinner up front. I have really really thick blonde hair all in the back though.

I am wondering how you live a normal life after a hair transplant? I see pictures where people are all bandaged up and stuff. How do you go to work?

I am thinking of having a hair transplant this summer, but it would be 9 days before I start my internship. Is that even an option? It seems like the only good time to do it because I will be with people I don't know who wont care if my head is shaved, where as in school people would be like what the hell happened.

Would my head look decent at all after 9 days? If not I think I'm just going to buzz my head and live the rest of my life like that....


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Well I wouldn't lie to the company about it, and I don't really plan on getting a full time job from them. I would tell them "I got a hair transplant, I'm still very smart and obviously having a scar on my head wont affect my work" If they did anything to me (which I'm sure they wouldn't) I think I would have a lawsuit on my hands.

Anyway, as far as the STRIP surgery goes, I was thinking more like the FUE (I think thats what its called) that doesn't have the strip and doesn't leave that type of scar.

Any more input guys?

Thank you so much for the input so far.


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I think that after 15 days you look almost ordinary. At least that happened with me. But I was NW2.5.


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Hmm dudemon, I guess you make a decent point.

I plan to get pictures up shortly of the stop of my head too.

I have been on Propecia since I was 18 as well, I forgot to mention that.

So you are quitting your job just to have a hair transplant? It just seems crazy to me. All of these people have hair transplant and just stay in their homes for 6 months after until they look normal? Just seems so weird to me...


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I'd say you'll be ok at 3 weeks. I went back to work after 2 weeks on a couple of occasions and nobody noticed anything. At worst it looked like I'd been out in the sun and got abit sunburnt ontop.


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Im not sure what Norwood I really am, I am probably not a 4, and more around the 2.5 or 3 area. And most of my hair is VERY thick.

I could probably push the start date of my internship back a week or so if necessary too.

Basically I just wanted to know if yall thought it was an option to have a hair transplant and look somewhat normal after 10-20 days. I don't know anyone I am interning with, so shaved head or whatever noone will know. And I will be gone for THREE months, so noone that knows me would see me during that time.


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dudemon said:
s.a.f said:
I'd say you'll be ok at 3 weeks. I went back to work after 2 weeks on a couple of occasions and nobody noticed anything. At worst it looked like I'd been out in the sun and got abit sunburnt ontop.

BTW, was your head shaved/buzzed for the procedure?

Mine was for the last 2 hair transplant's, and that is why it takes so long becuase the hair has to grow at least 3/8 to 1/2" long or so, before it will hide the scalp - which is red for several months after the surgery.

RE: getting rest of head sunburned before hand

I never thought of that! Great idea! :bravo:

I am going to look into that one.

Yeah I had the entire top shaved to the skin for every single op.
For me the scalp was scabbed for about 10 days then they fell off under neath it was pink and this took another week to fade to normal by which time any native hair had grown to about grade 2 lenght. For this poster who only needs the front third worked on I would say that he'll be fine after 3 weeks.

And RE the sunburnt thing, you are supposed to sheild the grafts from strong sunshine for the first couple of months.


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That would be pointless since sunburn heals very quickly so it would be long gone by the time you went out in public again with your post surgery pink scalp. And surgury is bad enough would you really want to go through it with the added discomfort of a sunburnt head?


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No avoid Bosley like the plague. Go to one of the named doctors suggsted on this or other sites

As far as the sunburn thing, i was actually thinking post op like right before you go to work or whatever. cover up the recipient area somehow and burn the rest of the head to whatever degree. it wouldn't have to be horrible burn just enough to decrease the contrast from white scalp to red.

i suppose you could keep burning it for a while and just tell people 'yeah my skin sucks at healing'. i'm sure any derm reading this is shaking his head but it's just an idea i had.

plus if you're on post operative pain killers the sunburn wouldn't be as bad.


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bigdawgfoxx said:
Im not sure what Norwood I really am, I am probably not a 4, and more around the 2.5 or 3 area. And most of my hair is VERY thick.

I could probably push the start date of my internship back a week or so if necessary too.

Basically I just wanted to know if yall thought it was an option to have a hair transplant and look somewhat normal after 10-20 days. I don't know anyone I am interning with, so shaved head or whatever noone will know. And I will be gone for THREE months, so noone that knows me would see me during that time.

remember to come back after your surgery and share with us your results and the healing process.


New Member
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First of all I think that you need to consider several natural options rather than the hair transplant.Truly speaking one of my friend has gone through Hair transplant but he again lose the same number of hairs with in the period of three months only.


Established Member
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If you have a thick hairline/non diffuse loss is it possible to transplant only to balding scalp [maybe a bit where the hairline is] and thus not have to shave the top of your head?

I.E. if you transplant to the top of the temples you could comb the hair above it forward to cover it up.


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Rutt said:
If you have a thick hairline/non diffuse loss is it possible to transplant only to balding scalp [maybe a bit where the hairline is] and thus not have to shave the top of your head?

I.E. if you transplant to the top of the temples you could comb the hair above it forward to cover it up.

Yeah, this was one thing I was thinking, but then when the hair grows in in the new spots, it will be short and spiky, and I feel I will have to shave my whole head on a 1 or 2 at that point make it look uniform.

I've talked with some of my friends about a hair transplant too and they think I should do it, obviously all of my close friends and family would know something is up if I all of a sudden have a thick head of hair.

Where is the list of recommended doctors on this forum? And whats the best way to go about finding out if they do FUE? I've read on one site there are NO FUE certified transplant specialist in Texas. Where should I go?

With FUE, do I have to wear bandages very long? From the post op images I've seen it doesn't seem like I would have to, but I'm not positive. The most time I could go before going into work would probably be around 15 days.

I saw somewhere that it takes 2 months for the new hair to even start growing. Is this true? Cuz if thats the case, I would have to buzz my head after around 4 months to make it look uniform and that is in the middle of a school semester...


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Dudemon has given you some good advice about recovery times etc.

I had a 1300 graft FUE procedure and was back at work 15 days
later and nobody noticed the redness as my existing hair had
grown long enough to camouflage it. I would of preferred to have
had three weeks off work though then the surgery would have been undetectable.

I had my grafts implanted in-between my native hair as I'm a diffuse thinner, if you are having your hairline lowered then you will have a sunburned look to the front of your head when the grafts fall out as you will not have any native hair to disguise the redness.

US Doctors to consider for FUE are Feller, SMG, Cole, and Umar.

Hope this info helps