Loads of baldies seem to have moved out to Asia


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So I've been in China for a few weeks now, and naturally I've seen quite a few white guys rocking younger Asian chicks/wives.

What I've been SHOCKED at, however, is the number of these guys who are heavily Norwooded.

Seriously, I would say about 70%+ of the white guys I've seen out here with Asian wives have serious Norwoods. I'm talking NW5 and above, but most often NW6 or NW7. It goes without saying that these are 'normal' guys who don't look great bald, i.e. not Jason Stratham/Vin Diesel.

Walking around today literally every single white guy I saw with an Asian woman was a major baldy (out of about 6 or 7 guys). I saw one guy with a hat who looked pretty young, and when he took it off - sure enough, he was a Norwood 6.

This is no bullshit. You start to realize the truth in what UCMan and others say when stuff like this dawns on you.

You have to ask yourself why all these guys came out here in the first place. They might not have consciously known it was baldness, but they clearly had trouble with women in the West. They might not have even made the decision with this consciously in mind, but they became unhappy with the West and moved out here to work. Some of them were probably entirely aware of why they were doing it, while others might have told themselves and others that they "just wanted to experience a different culture."

Either way, they're here now, and they've found wives. Good for them, I suppose.

For me, I think it's pretty f*****g sad that these guys have had to exile themselves from their own civilization in order to find companionship in life. I for one refuse to do this, which is why (as I've said elsewhere) I'm looking at the hair system route. A pretty drastic option, but if these guys had taken it they might not have ended up revoking their citizenship and living in another continent to find love. f*** caving in like that.


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Another thing I've noticed is the number of girls openly talking about my Norwood.

This isn't unusual to see here, because most of the locals are pretty brutal on appearances and also baldness isn't really common in young guys here. The only difference is that usually they wouldn't talk about right next to you, except I'm a foreigner and they think I can't understand what they're saying (which I can).

I've heard quite a few discuss me and say "he looks late 20s or early 30s" (I am 23). I have heard two groups openly say the Chinese equivalent of "eww, he's going bald".

This sh*t crosses continents.

I'm pretty sure the only reason the locals have gone for these white Norwoods is the money. Any of you guys who want an Asian wife better get here before China catches up economically, otherwise you're screwed.


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Boondock said:
Another thing I've noticed is the number of girls openly talking about my Norwood.

LOL this quote just made me laugh, imagine some non hair loss person reading it and wondering "whats this norwood thing"?

Ps if its true then thats pretty sad,I often wondered what the airport staff in Bangcock must think when the see hoards of ugly/old/fat/bald western men arriving on their own everyday.


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s.a.f said:
Boondock said:
Another thing I've noticed is the number of girls openly talking about my Norwood.

LOL this quote just made me laugh, imagine some non hair loss person reading it and wondering "whats this norwood thing"?

Ps if its true then thats pretty sad,I often wondered what the airport staff in Bangcock must think when the see hoards of ugly/old/fat/bald western men arriving on their own everyday.

It's true. Perhaps I'm over-noticing it because it's something I pick up on more than most. But I can tell you for sure that there are a disproportionate number of baldies here.

I don't think it's a 'bald' thing, per se. It's simply that being bald makes you uglier, and being ugly makes you consider the Asian bride option.

To be fair, some of these girls are pretty hot. On paper, the guys have done quite well.

Myself, I just couldn't do it without wanting to kill myself every day. Once you see the 'young Asian girl with white minger' phenomenon in person the whole thing just seems terribly depressing. I actually feel depressed just thinking about it.


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It seems we have a new contender for CCS' replacement. :woot:


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In all seriousness, I'm less fussed by this scenario than by the possibility that I would have got myself down to Chinese A+E last night had I have known more facts.

In retrospect I look upon it with bemusement.


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Boon, how's the Chinese food there?


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The food is great out here man. Even the cheapo mom and pop places do some great stuff.


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Hmmm interesting insight. I've noticed a couple of heavily Norwooded bros with half-decent looking Asian chicks too. It's kinda weird because as it's far less common in their race, and anecdotal evidence suggests they dislike it a lot more than Westerners (I.e. what you've just written and the thread on Koreans a while back). Does it cancel out the status symbol of having a Western boyfriend? Also, do you think the white guys are all wealthy? Surely you're in a pretty wealthy part of the country and there's plenty of Chinese guys earning more than them??

What are you doing in China anyway? I've a friend moving out there soon on a PHD scholarship...I think he's crazy to go though..


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I believe Chinese girls go for them so they can get the money, yes.

White guys still earn a fair chunk more than Chinese in these parts. Even when they don't, the Chinese think that they do. Perception is more than reality in these things (until they're married and find out the finances, but Chinese don't do divorce like we do either so they're stuck with the white guy).

White guys also tend to treat their spouses better. Some country girls would be overjoyed just to get a husband who doesn't cheat on them and beat the sh*t out of them every day. There are other benefits.

But in general it's the money. Girls are much more open about this than in the West. Even dating shows list the man's income as one of the statistics when they come on. It's right out in the open.