Logistics of an out of town transplant


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Ok Guys,

I've been on propecia for years, I've done my homework and I think I have a decent time in my life to do the surgery. My wife will be having a baby in July - its our second. She will have plenty of family with her for the week following the birth.

I am planning on having a hair transplant shortly (like a few days) after the birth. I'm not sure this is totally insane, which I'm sure people will say it is. This is our second child and there isn't much for the father to do when a baby, eats, sleeps and poops. Plus, I plan on using my vacation during this time anyways.

So here are my questions:

1.) I will have to travel for this and will most likely be doing it alone. How many days minimum will I have to be gone. Could I fly in, sleep, get the surgery the next day, sleep and then hop on a plane the day after the surgery?
2.) Will I look like I got beat with an ugly stick the day after surgery? Will i frighten other travelers?
3.) Will I have to go back shortly after for a follow-up or can that be done over the phone?
This will probably be FUE so no worry about removing staples.

Thanks for your help!


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Hey Abe,

I don't know where your situated at the moment, USA, UK, but people going for transplants from the uk to America usually do it over four days, your head may swell up, in which case you will look a little weird, but you'll have a hat to cover the worst of it. You don't have to go back if you live out of the way, phone/email/pictures can all be done.

Who you decided on using for your transplant?


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I felt great the next day. But i only had 1044 grafts done. I honestly couldn't tell unless i touched it or looked in the mirror. The worst part would be being searched at security and them asking what the hell is wrong with your head in front of 50 people. Although, you'll never see any of them ever again so screw it.
As far as the follow up visit you need to talk to the Doctor. I was really concerned about my first hair washing so I went in the next morning and had them do it for me. That way it was clear on exactly how to do it. They'll explain all the stuff like usin a cup of water and not the shower head, etc. though. I also wanted dr. cole to tell me whether it looked normal. I was super worried about infection for some reason even tho i was taking antibiotics post op.

Here's a picture of me at day 2 i think. Forgot to title the pic on this forum.

Woops sry about not turning it. Remember i had tons of biotin in my hair to stay moist.


  • DSCF3175.jpg
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Thanks for your help. I'm in Texas and I'm probably going to go with Dr. Umar in CA (I'm originally from CA and may have my sister help out with it.

I'll probably be getting around 2k in the frontal region. I also have a bald spot on the side that I want filled. That is another topic though.


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Ah cool, seen some really good work of Dr Umars' you'll be in good habds i'm sure


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Yes, you can leave the next day. I am heading to see Dr Shapiro soon, and My biggest concern is going through airport security. You can wear a hat right away, and they recommend it, but I will have to take it off and show the security guy that the front and back of my head look like the got peppered with a shotgun.

Here's a very informative link: http://www.shapiromedical.com/procedure ... s_journey/

Shapiro Medical, amongst having great reputation and prices was by far the most thorough consultation I went through. They detail every step for you, from pre and post care, to special pads to sleep on at night at the hotel. I will be getting 1400-1800 FUE and will report.


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oxymoron said:
The worst part would be being searched at security and them asking what the hell is wrong with your head in front of 50 people. Although, you'll never see any of them ever again so screw it.