London Centre of Trichology


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I went to them and saw a guy called Steve O'Brian (I think that's how his name is spelt), back in 2009.
I was desperate and naive back then, hoping like most of us that there was still some miracle sides free cure.

After much procrastination, I ended up going on their 6 month treatment of applyingg Triaxon and something called Biostim (both topical) on my scalp every day, with laser treatments on my followup sessions.
After months of treatment (and coming off Minoxidil as advised), my hair became gradually thinner. I knew it was a risk to stop using minoxidil. I can categorically say that the treatment was a pile of ****, in my experience.

It was £650 down the drain, time wasted travelling back and forth, and to top it off my hair was worse off too.:thumbdown2:
Anyone considering using London Centre of Trichology should beware.


It's well known that all those "hair magicians" are liars and scums