London Riots


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Has anyone seen this? Does anyone else live in London?

This is unbelievable... shops and stores looted in boroughs all over the city. Children taking part, pubs on fire, train stations on fire. These are like scenes from 28 days later and there are not enough police to deal with it. I have never seen anything like it. ... police.htm

I am embarassed and ashamed to be a Londoner right now!


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A lot of it has happened near to where I live. A woman woke up in the middle of the night in Camden to find a looter in her bedroom.

I was hoping to celebrate my birthday with drinks in Central London this Friday but I may have to leave it now.

On the rioters, they have no political stance.Some on them excused their actions as 'fun' and saying they 'were only getting their taxes back'! B.S.!!! ... photo.html

London's burning :(

Lloyd Braun

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I read a few HuffPost comments and found one that actually blamed "racist" Republicans in America for these riots. :shock: I kid you not. I made a thread on my forum (which is all about politics) under the outrageous things said in politics.

slurms mackenzie

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The political pressure will be on today, the met have been pussy footing along, it's they had the nod, they could sort out these rioters in no time, look at what the Turks did defending there shots, as soon as there were even numbers the chicken shits ran off.

More riots tonight in other cities, but water cannons out in london i reckon

<<edit i actually wrote that without realising we don't have water cannons in the uk, would be surprised if baton rounds were at the ready though>>


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This is f\*cking ridiculous, any other counrty would have sent in the army and stopped this in 5 minutes flat.
Unfortunatley all those years of Labour rule have produced a generation of this kind of scum.


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very bad times! what was a peaceful protest turned into a load of thugs using what happened last week to start trashing their own city and neighbourhood. absolutely no excuse. these people are the lowest of the low. hope cameron pulls his finger out his *** and does something, because it feels like they don't really give a sh*t.


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They give a 5hit, but they just dont have the balls to do anything, just incase it upsets the pc bridage to see some looter getting a good kicking.
And as for the protest - whats to protest about? a gun weilding crack dealer gets shot? Give that officer a pay rise and send him out on the streets tonight!

slurms mackenzie

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s.a.f said:
They give a 5hit, but they just dont have the balls to do anything, just incase it upsets the pc bridage to see some looter getting a good kicking.
And as for the protest - whats to protest about? a gun weilding crack dealer gets shot? Give that officer a pay rise and send him out on the streets tonight!

I've been hearing reports that millwall fans are waiting on the streets now, to do what the police couldn't, and basically beat the sh*t out of any looters.!/search/millwall

I'm not exactly trapped in it in manchester, but there's enough scrotes (of all colours) going past my flat, i keep pouring water on them and then ducking fantastic fun. When the call comes I'll be ready.


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I was playing football with some mates this evening in Enfield Park when we saw about 80 guys coming our way across the field. Needless to say we packed up and got out of there. Turns out they were vigilantes who were patrolling the area to combat the rioting thugs.

The Sikhs in Southwark have turned up en masse to protect their businesses as well so good on them.

I hope the full force of the law comes down hard on these looting scumbags!


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Lloyd Braun said:
I read a few HuffPost comments and found one that actually blamed "racist" Republicans in America for these riots. :shock: I kid you not. I made a thread on my forum (which is all about politics) under the outrageous things said in politics.
No offesnse but that's just the way people who are obsessed with politics work. Loss sense of reality. I'm sure there is commentary somewhere of people blaming liberals too.