Long Hair: Dermastand Or Dermaroller?


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Hey all,

i was considering trying dermaroller, mainly for the hairline and the vertex. However I am worried that the dermaroller might cause trouble with long hair (being caught in it and forcing me to push on them). So maybe a dermastamp would be a solution?

What would you guys think? Also what is the most recommanded size of the needles?

Thanks for any help!


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My Regimen
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I have both 0.5mm dermaroller and dermastamp. My hair is long, and medium length around 3-8cmat the top (where the thinning occurs, it doesn't seem to grow in length much).
I find it much easier stamping, although you'd have to be prepared to take more time. I use the roller on my face instead.
I've recently just bought 1mm stamp as well and will give it a proper go.