Long hair guy, am I balding?

Am I balding

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Long hair guy, am I balding? - 1.5y UPDATE ON LAST PAGE-

!!!!-Updated on last page 12/15/12. How old do I Look with my hair and is it changing at all?

Hey guys, nice to join the forum and a pleasure talking with you all. I can say that like some, the terrible paranoia of whether I am balding or not has driven me to join this forum. Denial can be a powerful thing! It is really unfortunate we can't look at ourselves the way others do, for me its making me crazy thinking I may be balding. I have really long hair, chest length. When you grow this long, there is a weird phenomenon where guys will bald and be completely oblivious to it. I, like most can't accept being a bald, long hair so I am enlisting your eyes to let me know if I am balding or just maturing and being really neurotic. I'll let the pics speak for themselves, but to preface, there is no balding in my family, My paternal side all has thick, though slightly receded hair in the corners. My maternal grandfather kept a thick, juvenile hairline till he died. My hairline has always been a prominent widows peak. I have two cowlicks in my hairline, both were always fine and thin but now it looks like they are "maturing??" away. I attached pics just after washing so you get a true look. Also when I was young the cowlicks on both sides of my central widows peak always arched up. I wrinkled my brow in one pic to show the juvenile placement. . Anyways, let me know and thanks!


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Nah man. your hair is like a big fluffy pillow. its got volume and everything. I think your hairline is just a bit maturing. it gets that way when we're older, but your most definatly not balding. But, does anyone in ur family have hair loss? do you notice hairs in ur tub after you shower?


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Thanks for the awesome reply, totally appreciated! No balding in my family. Maternal granddad had juvenile, thick till death. Paternal grandfather and uncles and my dad all have thick. Dad and one uncle has slight recession in corners. The widows peak is from my moms side. Absolutely no crown balding anywhere in my genealogy as far as I know. You always notice long hair when it falls. I have never seen them on my pillow, I get like 5-10 on the brush and a couple in the shower on bad days, but mostly I don't pull out lots. My Girlfriends hair, which is the easiest to compare since I have no long hair friends seems to fill the brush at a similar, sometimes greater rate.


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Thanks for the reply! Saw a derm, said there was some recession but couldn't tell if it would go further. I believe he used the phrase "like looking into a crystal ball" I did ask about miniaturization, he did not see anything to be concerned about. Derms are very brief in the clinic, I suppose I could get another opinion. But is it really that bad, I am almost 30?
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if your family has no history of hairloss, im 100% sure your not balding.
Also, there are stages in life where our hairlines will slightly go back. As for the guy who commented on your 3rd picture, that hairline looks very normal.

If you really fear the worse, it could be a maturation hairline. Which i doubt. Also, since your 30, you have EXCELLENT HAIR for your age. If you were balding, it would have started earlier.

overall, your har isnt balding, worse case scenario is if your hairline is maturing, which i doubt.
Looks good man, your blessed with hair like that! . Im 17 and my hair is not even close to compare :(
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Mygoodness said:
raptorizedamazing said:
Also, since your 30, you have EXCELLENT HAIR for your age.... :(
Yeah, I totally prefer your opinion! I am almost 30, I'll be 28 in a few months.
oh my bad man, I couldnt even believe you were even close to thirty. i was thinking mid 20's :p. I thought i read that you said you were 30 lol.
well anyways. looks good :D


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you're 27? you're never going to go bald. i can almost guarantee it. you have a crazy good head of hair. i thought you were like 20.


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1.5 year Update. Please excuse the insecure questions but... Do I look significantly older with the hair? Has my hair receded or thinned at all? Cam is a Samsung Galaxy s3 w/flash. Old pics were with flash, Kodak point and shoot. Thanks guys!


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Yeah, it means people think you're trolling. Judging from your pictures, there is absolutely no way you are going bald. I know what it's like to not realize that you have thinning hair because your hair is long -- I've got this big afro that concealed my thinning for a while. So it came as a bit of a surprise when I parted my hair and saw early signs of loss at the front and some diffuse thinning in the crown.

The top and back of your head look fine. That said, it is completely natural for your hairline to mature slightly as you age, and hair will always look slightly thinner at the hairline because it is a transition area from your forehead to your scalp. As long as the miniaturized hairs don't go back further than a quarter of an inch, then you probably aren't receding due to male pattern baldness. Dude, you don't need me to tell you that you've got amazing hair.

Without the stubble, you also look a bit like Iggy Pop when he was young. It's a great look with or without the stubble, and you're lucky to have it. Enjoy it!


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Your hair is insanely thick and long. You have NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. I know we all get a little paranoid but your hair couldn't possibly look any better.


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My Regimen
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To the original poster:

Assuming you're not just here to torture these guys, please keep something in mind. Most of the guys here are dealing with something like this:


Compare yourself to that.

Now, HairLossTalk has always been a site heavily focused on guys who are just starting to lose their hair too. In fact the entire point of this web site is to keep hair on people's heads. Not just help guys like Prince William above. He made the decision to do nothing for years, and years, and years and now that's the consequence.

So obviously - even if you're only a year into your hair loss, this web site is for you. But you should also keep perspective on where you fit in. Only you know if you're losing hair. Nobody else looks at your hair line every morning. But posting pictures with 90% more hair than most of the guys here isn't going to accomplish the goal you are seeking.

If you genuinely feel you're receding or starting to thin along your hairline, then decide whether you want to start treatments.

But you gotta be aware of your audience here ...

And google body dysmorphia as well, just in case. (not saying this is your situation)
"The disorder generally is diagnosed in those who are extremely critical of their mirror image, physique or self-image, even though there may be no noticeable disfigurement or defect."



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My Regimen
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As UCMan would say ...

"Jennifer Aniston is back!!"


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Don't think my hair was EVER that thick, even as a child. Can't see where he got the idea he's balding, thick hair and a low hairline!

Quantum Cat

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hairline is never a good way to assess whether you're balding, because it's near impossible to say if it's mature hairline or the start of male pattern baldness.

thinning at the crown IS a very good indicator, but in none of these pictures can we see his crown

and I have no sympathy for Prince William - he can get the best, most expensive transplant there is, all paid for by the good old British public. At least Rooney earned his money