Long hair & Neograft?


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Hello! I've done a lot of reading on here and elsewhere, but have no good answers for these questions.

I've got very long hair, which I value dearly. I'm 39 now. It's still in semi-decent shape, and I often still get extremely positive compliments on it, but it's tragic compared to what it was ten years ago. It's dramatically, panic-attack-inducingly thinner on top than the rest of my head, especially at the crown. Feeling it as I shampoo it is one of the saddest feelings I've ever known. :(

I've been using Rogaine for 2 years and I think it may have helped a little, but not much.

I have been thinking about a transplant. I guess the best are FUE or NeoGraft FUE.

I live in Los Angeles, and there is a place near me called OC Neograft (Orange County Neograft), and all they do is the one kind of procedure.

Has anyone any info on whether they do a good job?

Also, can anyone advise me on long hair and transplants, in general? It seems sometimes you have to shave it all, and sometimes you don't. I don't mind shaving it all if I know it's my best, smartest chance at long lovely locks for the extended future.

Like many of you, I view a hair transplant now partly as stalling for time while hair cloning becomes a reasonable technology, hope hope hope.
