Long Hair shedding/treatment?


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Hey guys just discovered this place. I have been searching around for a group that posts frequently and this seems to be it, all the other places were barren...

I am about 25 years old and have been noticing some diffuse thinning towards the front of my scalp. My two older brothers in their 30s have thinned considerably in this area as well as the crown so i figure I am on that same path. I have been taking propecia 1mg a day for about 9 months.

I also have pretty long hair. I model from time to time as well and am hoping to make some decent money from it in the near future. However this thinning of my hair has alarmed me. At the moment there seems to be a lot of short wiry hairs protruding from the front hairline and through out the part line towards my crown.

I want to start taking minoxidil (i bought both foam and liquid) but am concerned with how the shedding would look with my long hair? Would it be more or less noticeable? I am concerned because my hair is about 7 or 8 inches long, and if a hair sheds then its going to take a looong time to catch up with the strong hairs. If my hair was short I don't think it would be that big of a deal.

If I look at the front of my hair under the light in the mirror I can see back into my scalp a decent amount you know what I mean? I can also just feel there is less hair density on the front half of my scalp. Anyone used rogaine who had long hair and how did your results and shedding go?



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I tried it (minoxidil liquid) for 1-2 months on my long hair, believe me it was a muddled job to apply and let it to dry on the scalp. Better you take the foam because it is little bit helpful in styling and causes less shedding (counting on foam user’s experience) compare to liquid. :lol:

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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I've been on Rogaine for over 9 months. I've been on finasteride for a couple months. In my opinion, the sooner the better. I sometimes wish I'd started soon, but I'm glad I didn't wait any longer. If you guys are happy with the rate you're losing your hair, then it would make sense not to treat it, but I always figure if I don't treat my loss, it will just get worse.

If it makes you feel any better, I think it would be cool if you were a bald model. I get sick and jealous of looking at girly man models with their perfect hair. We need more models who represents what real men look like.


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Just wanted to check in and see how your results have been. From what you first posted I'm on the exact same boat as you. Haven't started any treatments and was hoping I would never have to, but just wanted to follow up on your results and see if it may work for me.


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i have long hair and started the big 3 a month ago. i deinitely have a bit of shedding but that's supposed to be the medicine working. if that turns out to be the case i'm glad i started now...


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New here and I have checked other posts, but what are the big 3? Also, once you start using these treatments is there a point when you can stop, or something you have to keep up to maintain?