Long Term Approach- Realistic Optimism


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Like many men 20-30, male pattern baldness begins rapidly at first which can be horrifying at a young age. However, in most cases the shedding eventually slows and stabilizes. Especiially considering that finasteride will at least stabilize and possibly regrow much of what you have on the top of your head . . .this is a relief. So, the temples move back which is unfortunate but modestly treatable as you shed back and forth, but eventaully hold the line to some degree. Then, after 2 years you take a look at the people you know not using treatments who were better off than you 3 years ago and their hair is destroyed and getting worse. At this point you are probably much more happy and comfortable with your situation and have come to peace with it, at least much more comfortable than NOW when hairs are flying out left and right. At that point you may decide that your hair isn't changing too much so you have the option to finance a skilled surgeon to do an hair transplant, hoping in the mean time that prices go down a bit. A successful hair transplant would leave you thrilled. At least thats my take down the road. Optimism in the mean time.