long-term finasteride sides - a scientific study


Senior Member
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Weird that you reference a study that shows they went away after awhile, as justification that "propecia side effects never go away".

The study you posted proved otherwise.

Some guys have ongoing problems with Finasteride. Well over 90% of guys don't. The guys who do, should simply stop taking it, like I did. No big deal.

There are millions of drugs and herbs and nutritional supplements that can cause side effects in different people. Yes, even herbs. The proper response is to stop taking it if that happens to you.

The improper response is to avoid taking something that may help you, out of fear of side effects.



Senior Member
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By the way, Jessop, why is it that your IP address matches Stack's IP ... stacks being the fellow we removed from this site for *Trolling* the forums ?

Are you attempting to sneak back on the forums?

Silly man.



Experienced Member
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Yeah, 5mg daily is a heck of a lot of Finasteride. I only imagine the type of side effects 10mg daily of Finasteride could produce. You'd need to be at least over sixty with major prostate warnings before ever taking a 1 Proscar daily.

Anyway, as long as you find a good balance in dosage, the side effects can be made very manageable. And I've never seen one study that has conclusively convinced me of any irreversable damage due to 1mg daily of Finasteride.