long term use of minoxidil and health concerns


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This is my first message in hairloss talk forums.

I am in my late twenties and I use minoxidil 5 % consecutevly for 5.5years. My results are modest. My hairline has thined a lot but it still remains.

My plan was to stay on minoxidil for a couple of years more and then either cut my hair very short or get hair multiplication if it is reality by then!

These days i found some papers in the net that scared me. I read about the corellation between topica; minoxidil and heart problems, and also about an incident of acromegaly in a person who was a long term user or the possible interferance with the pituary.

So this is my question.
What are the effects of minoxidil in the long term? In a period of 7 or 10 years?

I searched and i feel there is a lack of long term safety studies. I found only about 1 or 2 years use.

I know that minoxidil sides are mainly due to overdose and hyper absorption but i am anxious about the cummulative effect of the long term use of it even in the proper ammounts.

Can you enlight me? Is there anyone that uses minoxidil over five years? What are your experiences? Should i continue my treatment or i risk my health?

Thank you very much, and i apologise for my english. They are not my mother tongue



2Years on minoxidil

strong heart problems
must take Betablocker
i had never bevor Problems with my Heart

the next:
after 15Month Allergic from minoxidil

my Face-Neck-Shoulders burnig when i put on minoxidil
my Eys red and watery
the eye area red and blue
my Face full with water
my Face skin looks red unhealthy

my Hair get very worse
shedding never ending

minoxidil in the Dustpin

i have take Dutasterid but i stoped for 14Month i have think
my bad Hairs comes from dutasteride
but i see my Hair get with minoxidil to straw Hairs -thin and become a Yellowish color
my Hair get worse every day when i apply minoxidil



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Thank you for your reply.

I am realy sorry about the problems minoxidil caused you.

Do you mean that it damaged your heart so that you have now to take beta blockers or that you should have been taken them together with minoxidil as it goes with the tablet minoxidil for heart problems?

So, minoxidil side effects are so common and devastating?

These 5 years of applying some times i had heart palpitations or anxiety. Some days yes, some days no.

Now i am really woried that maybe i have caused me heart problems...

Does anyone other has serious problems due to minoxidil?

If these problems are the case, i wonder why there are no studies about its long term cosequances (even more, since minoxidil / rogain is a drug created for long term use)
and how it comes that in so many countries it isn't anymore a prescription drug



Yes minoxidil damaged my Heart

my lungs Breathing

Betablocker Bisoprolol 5mg

minoxidil is very Dangerous

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I just started minoxidil a week and 2 days ago. At first it seemed fine, but I noticed today that my heart was beating somehow irregularly and I felt out of breath a bit. Is this normal - or should I quit it? If I quit after this amount of use, will it lead to shedding (only just over a weeks use)?


hairwayorthehighway said:
I just started minoxidil a week and 2 days ago. At first it seemed fine, but I noticed today that my heart was beating somehow irregularly and I felt out of breath a bit. Is this normal - or should I quit it? If I quit after this amount of use, will it lead to shedding (only just over a weeks use)?

take it once a Day
and in the Morning

in the evening i had bad sleep heart was beating
