Long time no see


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Hey all! Had a bit of a slow and boring night so I thought I'd see what's happening on the ol' stomping grounds of HLsucks.com I haven't been on here in god knows how long, and I couldn't remember my old password so I had to start a new account. As I promised long ago when I started whole hairloss journey, let's see, august of 2004, that I would let everyone know my progress because I was always so mad when people had success and never returned leaving the hairloss board flooded with only negative posts all the time, diluting all the positive stuff you can get from treatments. My story, basically started on propecia in october 2004, and been on it since. I use nizoral occasionally for good measure but basically that's my regimen.

Just wanted to say things are still holding up. I started on treatments doing horribly, visible (but mostly bright light and sun visible) generalized diffuse thinning everywhere, worse in the front, spent 6 months swearing I was only getting worse and then around month 9 things began to turn around. They got better and better for about 6 months or so, then plateaued. I've been stable there ever since. I see a dermatologist once a year (who is also a hair transplant surgeon just in case he thinks I become a candidate), get my propecia script renewed, and get on with my life. Do I have the perfect hair that I want? No, it still looks kinda shitty when its wet, but most important I rarely think about my hairloss and I'm just able to live and enjoy my life which is really the goal. Just want everyone to know, there is hope. Not only for improving hair, but for improving your outlook on the whole thing. It really is just hair people, be pro-active, do whatever you can that's safe and reasonable to fight it, feel good about doing everything you can, and enjoy yourself. That's my advice. Anyway, good luck to everyone else on here. This board was a huge aide to me during some very dark times in my life. Cheers!



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Thanks! It wasn't all just perspective, the treatments really improved my hair as well. Probably gave me 25% more density overall.


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hey charlie...perhaps you wanna remove that damn pic... :spam:


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Congrats Trent!

I do recognize your name from these boards. BTW, can you let us know what Norwood you are abouts? Like, did you have recession, or was it just diffusing all over? You always have Rogaine foam to boost your results, if you ever want to pursue that path.

Thanks again for coming back!


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Sure, I'm probably about a norwood 1.5. Which doesn't sound bad, but its more that my original hairline crept up about a half inch to an inch, giving me a high forehead without real temple recession, if that makes sense. In addition, I had generalized diffuse thinning throughout the top of my head, worse in the front than back. In other words, if I didn't gel my hair up, or if I got it wet, especially in the sun, you might say, wow that guy has pretty thin hair. Before propecia, I was thin-looking no matter what I did (unless I used toppik or something, which I definitely tried for a while).

The good news is, that throughout my treatments I was basically in tears, thinking these products are not working for me! But I kept with it, stayed the course, and after nine months to a year, it payed off and I was able to get some back, and maintain for the last four years, which is really what the treatments are designed for. With the new rogaine foam stuff out, I will probably resort to that if things get scary again.


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thanks for taking your time making the thread Trent, it will give some new users some faith.