looking at hairs in shower...


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well, i thought things were going well...untill i decided to see how much i'm loosing in the shower...i set up a trap thing so it would catch all the hairs... just had a look and i saw about 60 hairs. holy crap. wasn't expecting that. sooo...i guess things are not good. :cry:

Free Bird

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jimmystanley said:
well, i thought things were going well...untill i decided to see how much i'm loosing in the shower...i set up a trap thing so it would catch all the hairs... just had a look and i saw about 60 hairs. holy crap. wasn't expecting that. sooo...i guess things are not good. :cry:

As people say here, don't count the hairs! It will make you crazy. Besides, from what I have read, losing a 100 hairs a day is normal for someone who is not even experiencing hair loss problems. Don't sweat it.


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It's not really a very accurate measure, sometimes with me there is sh*t loads, others hardly any? Also if your on the hairy side you may be counting body hair


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the theory about 100 strands a day might be true but one knows when he is actually losing hair and not shedding normally. If one is shedding normally then he won't have a combfull when he combs or for that matter there shouldn't be more than a couple of strands coming out.

Eventually you lose the same number of hair as you are destined to. If you don't lose them in shower, you will lose them in combing, or sleeping, or driving.


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exactly...i think that trying to calm ur self by the HairLossTalk.com idea that we all loose 100 plus hairs a day is a bunch of b.s. i saw 60 plus in the shower... no way that's normal.

...p.s....i also realize it's all about weather or not they come back....


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first off it's not the HairLossTalk.com idea, It's the truth, anyone loses up to about 150 hairs a day. I learned that about 10 years ago from a dermatologist. It's pretty much common knowledge too (at least to male pattern baldness sufferers).
You said you thought things were going well until you counted the hairs in the drain.
So if you didn't count them things would still be going well. Have you ever counted hairs in the drain before?

As long as I can remember I've always had a lot of fallout in the shower even way before male pattern baldness kicked in.

Don't look in the drain, look on your head. If your hair continues to look the same, you're fine. That just may be your normal fall out in the shower. It's also completely normal for it to fluctuate.

This is the very reason why I recommend people take pictures. We all go through those freak-out stages and the only way to tell if things are going bad or good is to see what your hair looked like a couple months ago.


Free Bird

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I didn't think I was posting any misleading info. Being a newbie I'm very careful about what I post. Wouldn't want anyone to screw up because of me. I have done considerable reading on the hair loss subject the last couple of weeks, and had seen about the loss of 100 hairs a day on multiple sites. It sure isn't a HairLossTalk.com thing. Not that I wouldn't also be pissed about finding 60 hairs in the bottom of the shower. It's human nature to be concerned...


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When its all said and done, the bottom line is that WE ARE LOSING HAIR. Whether male pattern baldness or not, people lose hair. I personally beleive a lot of these treatments are "self-evaluated" and is often based on the person's opinion on how the product worked. Sure, FDA bashers, have fun bashing me, but im just posting my opinion.

Anyways, best of luck to all!


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jimmeystanley: Don't sweat the 60. I've been losing 150 every single shower for almost two years now, and my thinning rate is still quite slow. Most people still don't believe I have male pattern baldness. (KNOCK ON WOOD!!)


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maybe u guys are right, but i know it's not normal to be loosing 60-100 hairs just in the shower alone.

Jaygee,...how do u know it's around 150 hairs? sometimes i look and see so many and it looks like over 100, but when i count them it's a lot less.


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Before my hair loss started, whether it is male pattern baldness or not I do not know, I don't recall finding hair falling out during my showers. However, at that time I also didn't look at my hands to see how many hairs were on them after shampooing. Now I do that daily and freak out when I see quite a few hairs....I can't stop doing it either so I end up freaking out after every shower. Yesterday, I gently ran my hands through my hair and about 70+ hairs fell out in a 30 second period. That is what I call shitty. At 18 years old, I SHOULD NOT BE BALDING. My college life is going down the drain because I'm getting so depressed and isolating myself in my room slowly but surely.


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It should be known that there is generally hair all over my bathroom - the sink, the toliet, the tub, the floor - everywhere.

Yet I'm not longer balding.


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i'm going to ask one of my guy friends with no male pattern baldness to check his tub... i will report back

The Gardener

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Don't count hairs.

I know you read the 100 hairs/day metric everywhere, but don't buy into the hype.

Keep in mind that hair sheds are normal, experienced by all people both male pattern baldness-suffering and non-male pattern baldness suffering alike, and are NOT uniformly scheduled through an average day of a human life. In other words, just because a loss of 100 hairs a day might be an average does NOT mean that humans who lose over 100 hairs in one particular day are behind schedule and destined for the horseshoe look.

Hair sheds come in cycles, and hairs are not shed uniformly. An average man will have months where he will lose more than an average amount of hair, and other months where he will lose less than an average amount. Although the median hairloss might be 100 per day, on a day to day basis this figure could vary widely. It is very typical for a person to lose 200, even 300 hairs in a day for an entire month, and then in the following months only lose 50-60 hairs a day.

Thus, measuring your 'hair loss count' on a daily basis will not give you an accurate picture of what is going on with your hair on a long term basis. So, don't count hairs, and instead concentrate on keeping consistent with your treatments and getting a sense of your scalp health.


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bla ..bla bla...bla bla...right..we alllll get it. Non male pattern baldness sufferes shed 100 hairs a day. But they don't lose 100 just in the shower everyday. :x A lot of guys loose more too. i'm just saying that if non male pattern baldness'ers lose 100 a day or so... male pattern baldness'ers must be loosing like 400-500 or more.

Bone Daddy

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This thread is much ado about nothing.

-The Great Internet Bard-


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Dont count hairs.......you know your going thin if your hair grows back thinner then the time before..or is a lighter color.


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you should have set up a mouse trap instead

this way you wouldn't be needlessly wprrying