
Looking For A Change And Hair System Solution


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42 year old married male who has been crowning past 10 years and now thinned out bad on top. Naturally rest of my male family members have thick, lavish hair and I am the odd man out.

There’s a guy who showed me a basic system but I have a scalp that sweats like crazy. He said it should be fine but I want to hear from other guys with sweaty glands and if a system stayed on. I am in sales and travel often, I dont want to look like john stamos one day and jason alexander the next!!


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Hey dude! I don't sweat excessively however I go to the gym frequently and sweat. I'm lucky and don't really use a scalp protector but it's definitely something you can try that will help keep your bond tight. Should not be an issue!


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Yeah, I don't really think sweating is much of a problem with a lace system provided you can make a non-sweaty period in the 3 or 4 hours after you have applied the system. But if it does cause a problem there are solutions, including scalp protector and medical-grade anti-perspirant for the areas where the adhesives go.


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I perspire quite a bit, and I live in an extremely hot country. I am using tape (Walkers, perimeter, and hairline), with very good scalp prep, and it works for me. I am going to try adding a bit of Walkers Ultra Hold clear on a couple of areas that tend to come up.