Looking for a Hair Transplant Clinic in the Toronto area


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Hi everyone,

Can anyone recommend a good surgeon in the Toronto area?

From what I seen online the only after pics I was impressed with was Alvia Armani and Rahal. I would love to go with Armani but it's just way too expensive and although Rahal is based out of Ottawa he does consults over the weekend in Toronto but he charges $50.

I've been in tough with Seager however I was not that really impressed with some of the after photo's online but they are the cheapest out of the three.

Can anyone recommend others??



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Dr. Armani has been controversial.. it has something to do with fue vs. fuss (can't remember exactly) but I know there has been tons of complaints. On the other hand, Dr. Rahal seems to be doing really well.. many people from my home country fly to Canada just to see Dr. Rahal. I'd drive to Ottawa for sure.


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Thanks for the reply.

I like the before and after pics on the Rahal site however I was advised not to choose a surgeon just based on the before/after photo's on the website.

That's interesting you know people who travelled to see him. Where is your home country if you don't mind me asking?


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Ninootz said:
Thanks for the reply.

I like the before and after pics on the Rahal site however I was advised not to choose a surgeon just based on the before/after photo's on the website.

That's interesting you know people who travelled to see him. Where is your home country if you don't mind me asking?
Dr. Rahal has an AMAZING reputation around the world.. he's by far your best bet. I'm from South Korea.