Looking for hair transplant recommendations


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Hi all,

Hopefully I'm not unwelcome here. I'm a woman but I have some male pattern hair loss that I've been dealing with.

I had two scalp advancements which greatly improved the situation but I still need transplants to fill out the corners.

Because of my two previous surgeries my surgeon has recommended against doing FUT because of the risk to the blood supply of my scalp. So that only leaves FUE.

I live near Chicago and have been considering going to either Dr. Nadimi (who works with Konior) or Dr. Yates. I'm also open to other suggestions. I'm willing to travel for someone whose really good and can get me for surgery early next year. Dr. Konior's clinic is currently booked until May. I can't even get in for a consult until February.

I also attached a picture of my hairline. I'm very interested to know how many grafts you guys think I might need to round out my hairline.



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