looking for info about Retin A


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hey there -
first of all -
if any of you have experience with the gel and willing to share a bit of your story it would be great! (actually i dont know if there is any other form other than the gel, but if there is that ok too)

second -
im looking basically for every info you can give me about it,
most importantly and first on the line is -
* how would i know what concentration to use (there are 0.025%, 0.04%, 0.05%, 0.1% and thats all i think) ?

other things are -
*when to use it in relation to minoxidil - before/after, how long should i wait (if at all) ?
*is it ok to use it after dermarolling ?

thats it for now...
and again - any other info you can give would be appriciated.


Established Member
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well, i got my answer ---

if anybody wants to know than heres how it goes ---

there are different tretinoin (retin a) concentrations - 0.01%, 0.025%, 0.05% and 0.1%
the stornger the concentration - the stronger the results are, but - also the side effect, which include skin dryness, rendess etc,
side effects will stop once you stop using.
it is best to start with the lowest concetration and see you go,
use it once a day, AT NIGHT, and wash it in the morning,
this stuff makes your skin more sun sensetive, so wear a sunscreen and never use it during daytime (also because the sun decrease its effectivness),
if you have no side effects and you respond well to the cream you can try, slowly, increase the concentration -
start by using the stronger one only twice a week, and the other day keep using the weeker,
after a couple of weeks increase your use of the stronger concetration,
keep going for a few weeks untill youll see you can manage it.

it CAN be used along with minoxidil, as well as after, or before it,
as well - it can be used with a skin moisteriser.

i didnt got any info about dermarolling, but -
since - from my experience - dermarolling makes your skin red, and dry the next day,
it might not be a good idea to use them both at the same time.

retin a seems to have really great results for people using it .
good luck.