Looking for opinion on an observation I had with my hair


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Hey all -

I was looking at a hair that fell out this morning. Upon inspection, it was obvious that the hair thinned out towards the bulb, for about 1 inch. What I find interesting is that I got back on Propecia 8 weeks ago, and hair typically grows 1 inch per 2 months. So, technically, that hair started to thin around the time I started Propecia.

Should this be a concern to me regarding whether Propecia is effective? Or is it just a mere coincidence?

Thing is, I have never seen a hair visibly thinner towards the bulb until now....and now I am on Propecia.

Thanks in advance


Have you checked before? I mean before you started on finasteride?

I have no idea of how a haircycle works but it seems logical that the follicle winds down before dropping the hair - which could result in a thinner end regardless if you suffer from male pattern baldness.

Looking at hairs that I´m losing today, compared to hairs that I was losing at the start of my finasteride intake, I see a clear difference. Hairs that I´m losing today are more pigmented and thicker at the shaft compared to before finasteride.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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Don't forget that it takes at least a couple of months for finasteride to have an impact on follicles .So if it started right when you started finasteride then there's a good chance its not the finasteride .