Looking For Some Advice (thinking Of Having Fue In Istanbul)(long)


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Hi I’m new to the forum and was just wondering if I can get some insight and help with this decision I’m trying to make.

First a bit of background info, im 38yo male from North America, probably started gradually losing hair mid twenties but admittedly has gotten worse last 5-6 years or so. I’m probably a Norwood 5V or 6 right now.

Through the years I had thought about hair loss solutions, but honestly after researching the transplant clinics local to me, the picture was really grim. All of the clinics have not so great reviews online. Stories filled with disappointment and warnings not to waste your money. Also I want to preface this by saying there is absolutely no chance 0% that I will take a oral drug (natural supps ok) to maintain or grow back hair so if that’s a necessity either before or after FUE then I guess that’s the end of the discussion. I’ve just read too many horror stories about the side effects and to me having "a bit more hair" is not enough of a benefit to justify the risk of ANY one of the side effects.

Then a few months ago I fell upon some Instagram pages from a few clinics in Turkey and was honestly blown away by I’ve seen. It’s actually given me hope that there might be a solution besides shaving my head. I took a what’s app consultation with one of the clinics called Hair of Istanbul (who somehow have amassed 1million+ instagram followers). They’ve told me that in my case I will probably need 2 procedures to get a nice result. After doing a bit of searching online though it seems like this clinic has almost universally great reviews and the cases they post on their social media seem at times too good to be true. I always thought that if something was too good to be true it usually is, so I’m not sure if that’s a red flag.

I guess I was just wanting to ask if anyone has any feedback from this clinic, if they really are as good as they seem. After reading on the forums a bit I’ve seen there are a few Dr’s names that frequently are mentioned with good feedback Dr Demirsoy and Dr Erdogan. If their reputation is solid then I’d probably just book with them instead as long as there’s not a 2 year waiting list for surgery lol. What are your thoughts?

A couple of last things I’d like to add. I’m not price hunting. I make a very good salary and can afford 15k$ for a surgery done locally, but the reviews are so bad I feel like I would be rolling the dice and would frankly rather spend my money on other things. I really do believe that I’ll be getting a better service in Istanbul although this could be a misconception created by social media influence. Also, my expectations are actually quite low, I’m not that picky. I realize I won’t have hair like an 18 year old. Honestly some of the before and afters I see posted here where the person is unhappy with the result, I’d have been really happy with lol

I’ll try to post more information and I welcome all comments and criticism.