I just signed up after finding this site on the internet and after reading through some other threads on here i was wondering if some of you would please offer me some advice on what to start with, how severe it is and possibly whether or not you think its possible for me to grow my hair back?
Im 24 years of age right now but ive been experiencing some hairloss for about 2 years now, but at the time i presumed (and hoped) it would stop and be fine, but unfortunately it doesnt seem to be stopping even after taking many of these shampoos (which i realise now are useless:doh
. Its even come to the point where i dread taking a shower because i know when i go to wash my hair there will be multiple pieces of hair dropping out- and with brushing also. I also have extremely thin hair if that makes a difference.
Now im willing to try everything and anything in the hope it works but im not an expert on these things so i was hoping i could get some sort of advice on what my next steps could be from people who have possibly gone through the same issue as i am going through
Ive attached some pictures of my hair just so you know what it looks like- my hair was damp at this point and i think the light in the room made it look slightly worse than it is though- but it is still bad i admit
To those that can offer any advice at all thank you, and even those that cant then thank you for reading anyway. Hopefully i can find some cure though
I just signed up after finding this site on the internet and after reading through some other threads on here i was wondering if some of you would please offer me some advice on what to start with, how severe it is and possibly whether or not you think its possible for me to grow my hair back?
Im 24 years of age right now but ive been experiencing some hairloss for about 2 years now, but at the time i presumed (and hoped) it would stop and be fine, but unfortunately it doesnt seem to be stopping even after taking many of these shampoos (which i realise now are useless:doh
Now im willing to try everything and anything in the hope it works but im not an expert on these things so i was hoping i could get some sort of advice on what my next steps could be from people who have possibly gone through the same issue as i am going through
Ive attached some pictures of my hair just so you know what it looks like- my hair was damp at this point and i think the light in the room made it look slightly worse than it is though- but it is still bad i admit
To those that can offer any advice at all thank you, and even those that cant then thank you for reading anyway. Hopefully i can find some cure though