L'oreal Vive for men in Canada?


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I noticed a lot of users here get L'oreal Vive for Men.
But I never see this in drug stores in Canada.
I see the normal L'oreal vive, but not the one for men with thinning hair.

Have any of you bought this in Canada? and if so, where?
What colour is the bottle?

Thanks for your help.


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just as a reference...

the NORMAL vive is white and orange cap/logo

the WOMENS vive is redish orange

the MENS VIVE is grey with a red logo

The Rock

Established Member
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is there any difference between the 3?


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never tried the WOMENS vive (red bottle)

but ive tried the regular vive and the mens...

supposedly the mens vive thickens youre hair but not permanently.. it's supposed to make it look thicker... id ont think it did sh*t for me personally but many others on this board claim that it worked well for them..

the normal vive is awesome for dry frizzy and tangeled hair because it moisturizes SOOO well... it leaves your hair feeling all smooth and soft. smells i dont remember 100% but it was nice... like pantene or something

the MENS vive is more of a rougher feeling.. not too much moisturizing. smells like a sporty axe-like spray.


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i cant say i felt or noticed a difference with the vive thickening shampoo. It says some percentage but how can you tell that hey my hair is 19.6% thicker than shampooing with a normal shampoo. I think it is just marketing towards the bald people...but hey that is just my opinion.


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I hated this shampoo :(. It actually made my hair feel thinner! If your looking for a verg good inexpensive 'thickening' shampoo which is sold in Canada try BIG by La Coupe. It's great and it's sold in Drug stores :)


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I'm in canada too and I havent seen the vive shampoo but I have looked for it...guess i'm too damn embarassed to ask a 17 year old with a nose ring for mens baldness shampoo. Its cool that we can get Nizoral 2% in the aisle though. For off days, i use he shu wu shampoo with is supposed to strengthen hair and promote regrowth. Its been working pretty well for me and its available in Drug stores, not in the shampoo aisle but with all the health suppliments its about $14.