Losing hair at young age


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i know it is quite sad to be losing hair at a young age. Y not look at it from another point of view.
It is juz that we notice our hair loss early. The earlier we notice our hairloss, the higher is our chance of regrowing our hair. We could start our treatment and maintain our hair.
Dun worry as in 5 or 6 yrs time, ur some of ur friends gonna lose hair also. u will be happy to that u started treatment early and have more hairs than them. U could give them valuable information on stopping hairloss and regrowing hair and they will be treating u as a savior 8)


Senior Member
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He's got a point to a certain extent. For example, since I began treatment over 2 years ago (now 25 years old) I have seen a couple of friends begin to lose hair and continue to past the point of my loss.

Nixon's Head

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I know TONS of people my age who look like I did a year ago--or worse. Then I comb my fingers through my nice thick hair....


Experienced Member
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Nixon's Head said:
I know TONS of people my age who look like I did a year ago--or worse. Then I put comb my fingers through my nice thick hair....

May I comb my fingers through your nice thick head of hair?

Nixon's Head

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Yes, but do it softly. I dont want you pulling off my hairclub for men hairweave. :wink: :)


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I understand what he means. I had a friend who had a pretty good head of hair when I started to lose mine, and I was pissed that he didnt have to deal with it and he would always talk about hairloss infront of me. Turns out a year later he started thinning like crazy and receded a bit. Plus in high school most guys have strong thick hairlines and no sings of loss. But after high school you will see more guys who are losing. I just started college and I saw a couple guys that I didnt see since high school who started to recede a bit. But for the most part even in college most guys have good heads of hair but the # of guys losing does increase. Its cause after high school thats when your hormones kick in even harder and u develop more which translates to some guys = hairloss.


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Started to noticeably lose my hair at 18, I'm 20 now and it has not got any better or worse but is still fairly thin.

I hate going out with my best friend who has lovely thick long hair and tells me to grow my hair out because I'll get more women if I do. If I told him the resaon I shave it every week is because its too thin to grow out past a 1 blade, I'd be mocked by all my friends.

I could have accepted it more if it happened after college but not while in my first year. Its seriously hampering my chances with the ladies. A shaved head in winter, with a red nose, pale blue and white skin isn't exactly that appealing to women.