losing hair in spots...


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a couple weeks ago i had my head down and my mother noticed a "bald spot" on the top/back part of my head sort of near the crown. i was thinking "no way, it cant be a bald spot.. i'm only 18. i mustve just gouged into it on accident while i was trimming my hair." well after growing my hair for about two weeks and then re-shaving it.. i noticed that the spot is definitely a bald spot. ive never seen anything like it, its a small spot about the size of a penny and its somewhat round.

today i noticed that there are a couple more spots starting to form and im really starting to get freaked out about the whole situation...

could this be caused by stress? thats all i can think of right now because this last month/month and a half have been nothing but stressful to me


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Unless you just returned home from war, your loss is probably not caused by stress.

Is there history of baldness in your family? If so, then you might have caught it early. 18 is not too young to start thinning, trust me, I know from personal experience.

I don't want to freak you out, and it is possible that it is something other than male pattern baldness, but it's hard for any of us to diagnose based on your description. The very best thing you could do is to schedule an appointment with your doctor (or better, your dermatologist), and have you scalp looked at.

They should be able to tell you what you need to know.

If you find out it is male pattern baldness, then don't panic. Come back here and read up on treatments so that you can (hopefully) keep your hair.

Good luck.


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nope no history of baldness at all actually. i was at a family get together today and i found myself looking jealously at all my older relatives full heads of hair hahaha

yeah i think im going to schedule an appointment with a doctor
