Losing my hair at 17 pls help


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I'm 17 an both my dad and my granddad are bald and well I'm next what should I do I'm not on any treatment


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Will minoxidil work as well my dad said he looked into it was thinking about it but way to expensive back then
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May be just maturing for now. Wait until 20 , you wont lose Munch until then i think
'Mature Hairline' is just not true lol. That's a degree of baldness, the first two one's. OP clearly said his male relatives are completely bald. He is already a NW2, heading to a NW3 at the age of 17! He has an aggreissve form.

Dear OP, take action asap if you want to have hair for a few MORE years.

Chill dude

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'Mature Hairline' is just not true lol. That's a degree of baldness, the first two one's. OP clearly said his male relatives are completely bald. He is already a NW2, heading to a NW3 at the age of 17! He has an aggreissve form.

Dear OP, take action asap if you want to have hair for a few MORE years.
Does that mean if I take action and get treatment ill still go bald in like 10 years?


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I mean, that is a better hair pattern than many. You probably won't thin in the crown for a long while, if ever. It appears similar to Sting's hairline and who knows what he uses but his hair basically has stayed the same since the early 80's. You have the benefit of not having diffuse thinning plus you have nice quality hair. I would try to keep it though and not count on good fortune.


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No balding yet. People that say you are heading to a nw3 are idiots - do they think hair just falls out lol. No thinning beyond the leading edge in your photos provided so no reason to think your pattern is progressing at this current time. Come back when you begin to notice thinning


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No balding yet. People that say you are heading to a nw3 are idiots - do they think hair just falls out lol. No thinning beyond the leading edge in your photos provided so no reason to think your pattern is progressing at this current time. Come back when you begin to notice thinning
Well, not so fast now. It looks as though the hair in front of the ears towards the beard area has slightly deteriorated. Most males don't notice hair loss in this area but it is both real and predictive. I have had huge amounts regrow in front of the ears out to my former sideburns.


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I mean, that is a better hair pattern than many. You probably won't thin in the crown for a long while, if ever. It appears similar to Sting's hairline and who knows what he uses but his hair basically has stayed the same since the early 80's. You have the benefit of not having diffuse thinning plus you have nice quality hair. I would try to keep it though and not count on good fortune.
So do think blading could be slowed down still at least 30s with the right meds


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So do think blading could be slowed down still at least 30s with the right meds
I maintained for a very long time but I never regrew hair with meds used by males. I would look into finasteride and maybe oral min plus dermarolling might restore that hairline. Hairlines are the hardest to restore so you want to maintain at all costs if possible.


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Do you think maybe you could give an age of when it starts falling apart if I take finasteride and minoxidil and dermaorlling as well as biotin


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Do you think maybe you could give an age of when it starts falling apart if I take finasteride and minoxidil and dermaorlling as well as biotin
Biotin is a scam. We all need a little to grow hair but once you hit that amount, adding more does nothing. Biotin only works if the body is stressed towards genuine malnourishment and this is rare nowadays except in the 3rd World. If you do all three, you can maintain indefinitely, at least say five to 20 years. For me it was 15 years of solid maintenance and then kaput so I started using HRT since my former meds were less effective. You can also upgrade to dutasteride and oral minoxidil/Loniten and derma-rolling is a game-changer and does amazing things to rejuvenate skin and scar tissue. Once the skin is rejuvenated, new hair growth often follows.


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Is the crown looking good and thanks for your help plan is to try meds for 10+ years then hopefully new medication is found or hair transplant get a lot cheaper


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View attachment 161327
Is the crown looking good and thanks for your help plan is to try meds for 10+ years then hopefully new medication is found or hair transplant get a lot cheaper
Your crown and hair quality is sensational. Hair quality is a huge deal because if you maintain your quality and in your fringe hair, if necessary you can have the temples beefed up with transplants which I seldom recommend except for small areas in the temples so you have that as well and since it is a small area, the cost of grafts would be much lower but better to do the microneedling and the meds for a few years to make sure everything is stable. Sting had great hair except the temples and it never got worse and he still has nice hair on the rest of his scalp.