Losing my hair? I'm so afraid!!!



I'm 31 years old and about 10 years ago was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. (Menopause, in essence.) I was put on the pill for estrogen replacement and haven't had any problems, aside from an increase in acne which I treated with Accutane 3 years ago with success. But over the past couple months, I've noticed that I can see my scalp through my widow's peak, and it's driving me crazy! Am I losing my hair? I don't know!

1. My part is the same width it's always been. I am not thinning at the vertex.
2. I do not have any abnormal shedding (I shed about 20-30 hairs a day, if that) and haven't for many years.
3. My hair is the same texture and thickness it has been for the past few years.
4. When I compare pictures, I look pretty much the same.
5. I have an identical twin sister, and in a moment of crisis last week over this, begged her to come over. We compared hair and hers is *identical* to mine, right down to the thinner area at the widow's peak.
6. My hair seems to continue to grow at the same rate.

But when I look at it in the mirror, all I can see is my thin widow's peak and my hairline. Is it losing density? Is my hairline moving back? What about my temples? They've always been thin--are they thinning more?

I am GOING CRAZY. I've made an appointment with a dermatologist who also does hair loss and it's in three weeks, so I will have him look at it and do a thorough blood check. Meanwhile, all I can do is stare at the mirror and wonder--am I? Yes? No? My hair has always been fine and thin, but healthy and shiny. It still is...but for how long?

Does anyone have any advice? Words of comfort?


Oh, I should also note:

A) I've compared pictures and my widow's peak seems to have looked like this for at least several months...it's possible I'm just noticing and fixating, but it's also possible that I really am starting to thin.

B) My sister does not have any hormone problems, which makes me think that it could all be in my head and not an issue.