Losing My Mind. Need Help. Fungus Or Telogen Effluvium?


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Man, I'm frigging losing it with this bull**** curse that is hair loss. Long story short been on finasteride for 3 years and my shedding has not stopped. But then again I have had an itchy inflamed, painful, flaking scalm intermittedly for 3 years and changing shampoos gives me relief temporarily. I feel like this shedding has taken a serious toll on my mental life and i seem to be obsessing about it way too much. I have low vit d levels, Anxiety/depression,i don't sleep that much, i gain and lose weight, so i'm thinking chronic Telogen Effluvium. But then i see the gunk buildup around my hairs and the constant itching and i think its some sort of fungal infection. Here are some pics, I'm having issues uploading them. Need some help man, should i get on antifungal shampoos, i've tried them in the past. I'm lost here.
Recent pics, shower shedding collected:

The last pic is my baseline: 3 years ago
Is this much sheddiing normal? I showered over a tshirt btw which drained into a bucket, notice the gunk attached to my hair, wtf is that?
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My Regimen
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Man, I'm frigging losing it with this bull**** curse that is hair loss. Long story short been on finasteride for 3 years and my shedding has not stopped. But then again I have had an itchy inflamed, painful, flaking scalm intermittedly for 3 years and changing shampoos gives me relief temporarily. I feel like this shedding has taken a serious toll on my mental life and i seem to be obsessing about it way too much. I have low vit d levels, Anxiety/depression,i don't sleep that much, i gain and lose weight, so i'm thinking chronic Telogen Effluvium. But then i see the gunk buildup around my hairs and the constant itching and i think its some sort of fungal infection. Here are some pics, I'm having issues uploading them. Need some help man, should i get on antifungal shampoos, i've tried them in the past. I'm lost here.
Recent pics, shower shedding collected:
The last pic is my baseline: 3 years ago
Is this much sheddiing normal? I showered over a tshirt btw which drained into a bucket, notice the gunk attached to my hair, wtf is that?

Nizoral is an anti fungal shampoo too.
In my opinion, when you are stuck in a vicious circle type of situation (anxious because shedding -> shedding because anxious) the best thing to do is have a derm check on your scalp, see if you have fungi; stick to the routine they give you. Switching from one shampoo to the other without checking what is working is only chaos.
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Going to a derm today man. My scalp feels like one of those splinter things from resident evil. Heard about nizoral will give it a try. I think nizoral shouldve been in my regimen long ago. I never though fungus could kill my hair
so much.


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Man, I'm frigging losing it with this bull**** curse that is hair loss. Long story short been on finasteride for 3 years and my shedding has not stopped. But then again I have had an itchy inflamed, painful, flaking scalm intermittedly for 3 years and changing shampoos gives me relief temporarily. I feel like this shedding has taken a serious toll on my mental life and i seem to be obsessing about it way too much. I have low vit d levels, Anxiety/depression,i don't sleep that much, i gain and lose weight, so i'm thinking chronic Telogen Effluvium. But then i see the gunk buildup around my hairs and the constant itching and i think its some sort of fungal infection. Here are some pics, I'm having issues uploading them. Need some help man, should i get on antifungal shampoos, i've tried them in the past. I'm lost here.
Recent pics, shower shedding collected:

The last pic is my baseline: 3 years ago
Is this much sheddiing normal? I showered over a tshirt btw which drained into a bucket, notice the gunk attached to my hair, wtf is that?
Hi lwH,

if you have no results with fina,
that says you have high Oestrone and not high DHT.

Do you have oily hair?

If yes, you can try the prostaglandin protocol:

Grapeseed oil oral from now foods
Green Tea from Spring Valey

For Shampoo you have to make something by your own.

With a normal cheap Shampoo you put the power of two capsules of olive leaf extract from Olivus company (the transparent bottle).

You have to take oraly one capsule every day.

I think in one week, you will not have any fungi more.
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My Regimen
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Hi lwH,

if you have no results with fina,
that says you have high Oestrone and not high DHT.

Do you have oily hair?

If yes, you can try the prostaglandin protocol:

Grapeseed oil oral from now foods
Green Tea from Spring Valey

For Shampoo you have to make something by your own.

With a normal cheap Shampoo you put the power of two capsules of olive leaf extract from Olivus company (the transparent bottle).

You have to take oraly one capsule every day.

I think in one week, you will not have any fungi more.

Already drinking green tea often, will try the grapeseed thing. Any info about the theory behind this?. Man i have super greasy hair. I recently read that changing shampoos could be bad for your scalp as it can irritate it leading to increased sebum production that can cause inflammation related hairloss in some individuals like me. http://www.skinhelp.co.uk/changing-shampoos-regularly-harm-you.html. Anyways saw a derm and she prescribed me a salycilic acid shampoo, Hopefully it works man. This patchy diffuse hairloss, itch, grease is ruining my life.


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What'd the derm say?
Derm says its probably genetic. Told me i have dandruff. Prescibed me salycylic acid shampoo and minoxidi for regrowth. Im not going to use minoxidil, not yet. But then again another derm 6 monyhs before diagnosed me with fungal infection, gave me antibiotics and told me i have no hairloss.


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Derm says its probably genetic. Told me i have dandruff. Prescibed me salycylic acid shampoo and minoxidi for regrowth. Im not going to use minoxidil, not yet. But then again another derm 6 monyhs before diagnosed me with fungal infection, gave me antibiotics and told me i have no hairloss.
The olive leaf extract is a very stark and affective natural antibiotic,
it cantains oleoeropain, hydoxytyrosol, verbascoside, Apigenin, Luteoline.
Some of this will throw away the fungi in three days(taking oral).
If you put (the powder of 10 capsules in 200ml) in the Shampoo that you already use, you will see amazing results(very quickly).

The green tea what brand name do you use?
Because not all of them are good quality(should give benefits to hair).

The grape seed oil gives also benefit to your Hair if your hair is Oily.


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The olive leaf extract is a very stark and affective natural antibiotic,
it cantains oleoeropain, hydoxytyrosol, verbascoside, Apigenin, Luteoline.
Some of this will throw away the fungi in three days(taking oral).
If you put (the powder of 10 capsules in 200ml) in the Shampoo that you already use, you will see amazing results(very quickly).

The green tea what brand name do you use?
Because not all of them are good quality(should give benefits to hair).

The grape seed oil gives also benefit to your Hair if your hair is Oily.

George, can you explain the mechanism behind this grape seed oil-->less scalp sebum thing?



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George, can you explain the mechanism behind this grape seed oil-->less scalp sebum thing?


The mechanism is not difficult,
the grape seed oil is a blocker in the overworking enzyme that makes Oestrone synthesis.

So if you have high levels of Oestrone (that is genetically programiert the enzyme to overwork, we took the gen from our parents),

we need this blocking action of this grape seed oil, to comme again in normal levels of Oestrone.

And high Oestrone makes a lot problems in our health(not only Hairloss), Osteoporosis(in later ages), ect.