Losing only short hair?


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Hi Friends,

in the last 8 monts I had extreme shedding and lost about 70% of my hair at the top. Since 4 months now I'm taking Propecia.
I wear my hair quite long (approx 7cm) and I noticed that new hair grows at the front. I cannot see if new hair grows everywhere, but I hope so.

I noticed that now only short hair fall out.
But I keep my hair which is already long.

So I guess new hair only falls out, is this a good or a bad sign? :(



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in male pattern baldness process... each time you lose hair and it grows.. the hair becomes smaller and shorter.

so if your losing only short hairs, this could be a bad sign.


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8 months is that iffy "grey" area... 4 more months, and you should know by then if Propecia is definitely or definitely not working for you...

As for your short, thin hairs coming out... I would look optimistically towards this... Seeing as how you're not looking your long hairs, it looks like your regrowth is going through faster cycles... I'm sure those small short hairs will come back stronger, and become longer hairs in time. -- Such is the course and action of Propecia.


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You said you had excessive shedding for 8months and lost 70% of your hair on top, and have been on propecia for 4months.

So of the 8months of excessive shedding, you were on propecia for 4 of them? or were you shedding 8months prior to even starting propecia?


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I had shedding only for 3-4 weeks.
Since then I had "just normal" hairloss.
First I couldn't believe that I really have a problem (I'm 21!!),
but then I realized that I've to do something....