Losing teeth


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Losing teeth is worse than losing hair. With the latter you can stilll hope for a new treatment, but a once a tooth is gone, it's gone. You can reimplant a new one, but it will never feel the same. Plus I hate the feeling of bare flesh in my mouth...

I can't get over it. It makes me depressed and almost suicidal. I _know_ it's stupid but I just can't get over it....


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When your teeth start going just pull the rest of them all out, get buff get a tan .... ect ect. :whistle:


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Easy, you can get a bridge or an implant to replace it.


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Met a guy on a downhill MTB crash who had come off, knocked out his two front teeth on a rock. Had to save up his cash for replacement implants.
Must have sucked for him, didn't stop him riding though :p

Besides, as SAF says, everyone knows losing teeth is a sign of masculinity and high testosterone ;)


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one of my good friends has a fake front tooth. it looks totally natural. she has to replace it every few months because the material degrades from soft drinks, food, coffee etc. can't you just get fake teeth? they look 100% natural.

i had an odd experience where i bumped into an old friend from college years after graduation at a random bar in my city, i guess he was up visiting someone. i hadn't seen him since graduation, and he was missing all of his front teeth when i saw him in the bar. when he talked it was hard to understand his words, and he made a whistling sound. it was really quite disturbing, and i was so shocked i didn't want to mention it, or ask what happened, so we both just pretended nothing was odd.

i found out later he had been in a bad car accident and that's how he got them knocked out. it definitely took courage for him to go out and talk to people in that condition, i hope he ended up getting some good fake teeth.


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In all seriousness, losing your teeth is nowhere near as bad as your hair, firstly unless you have some serious dental problem its only likely that you will lose a couple of teeth in an accident and although its very expensive to get dental implants they do look totally good probably better than the real thing and if the accident is'nt your fault you would be able to sue and get them paid for anyway.
So you have a fullproof solution that looks great and can be fixed in a few hours. And anyway people dont look down on someone who lost something from an accident like they do on someone who lost theirt hair naturally because of their shitty genetics.


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In all seriousness, losing your teeth is nowhere near as bad as your hair, firstly unless you have some serious dental problem its only likely that you will lose a couple of teeth in an accident and although its very expensive to get dental implants they do look totally good probably better than the real thing and if the accident is'nt your fault you would be able to sue and get them paid for anyway.
So you have a fullproof solution that looks great and can be fixed in a few hours. And anyway people dont look down on someone who lost something from an accident like they do on someone who lost theirt hair naturally because of their shitty genetics.


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i have 2 dentaltransplants , but real teeth...
2 times they took one out in the below part and put it in the upper part
its everything the same, same feeling andso , and it was done when i was 12 , now i am 27 (like a hairtransplant , but with teeth)

now i decided to let 1 teeth of on the back pulled out sinds it was to damaged , but i'm considering to replace it with a transplant (stift , or how they call it in english : they transplant a kind of screw in the bone and the lock a fake teeth on to it , so you never see its a fake , just considering for now, sinds its just 1 teeth in the back , you cant see anything when i smile...

but there are good fake inplants, as far as my dentist says : it last up to 15 years... its just costly...
in euro you can calcultate +- 2000 a 2500 euro/ teeth
in turkey they charge 1000 euro's...

somone uk

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get gold teeth :p
we are closer to cureing tooth loss than male pattern baldness
stem cells can be made into teeth quite easily


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i dont think this would be cheaper then fake inplants :woot:
unless you have a big cashreserve :whistle:


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go to a dentist and get implants..replacement teeth..my brother in law smashed his face and broke all of his front teeth..he looks ridiculous, but he's going to have them fixed. may cost a lot though but for peace of mind talk to your dentist for options. if you're only missing one tooth, that is an easy fix. unlike my brother in law