Lost In Life And As Bonus Also In My Hairline

Is it nervous or plainly genetic?

  • nervous

  • genetic

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Hi, in the recent years i have been struggling against a deep depression caused by an anxiety disorder and it has been awful for the past 2.5 years. I am almost 21 years old by now, but i have been having nervous problems since i was a teenager, mostly caused by an external factor that i still can't deal with it today, and it kind of ruined my teenagehood (i was not raped or something like that, rest assured). I mean i was a happy kid with friends but i had very deep trust issues, that prevented me of getting a girlfriend. The itchy scalp started here, but did no harm to the hairline, and it was very mild.

The year i got in college, the first term was, as usual, very demanding (engineering school), but i got through it with no problems at all, just a minor sleeping late problem (HAHA). The second term was a whole new story, for other reasons I started to become very nervous once again, and i isolated myself from the others until i had a nervous breakdown, which is the main reason i am here today asking for help.

I thought i should go see a psychologist but my fear of the diagnose spoke too loud until today, ( all sorts of scary thoughts, that doesn't reflect the who i was). The hair problems started right away with itchy scalp and a small receding hairline, and the moment i noticed this, i became more and more aware of this, and the suggestion and placebo effect took charge of the rest.

I had ups and downs last year, and brief moment of 5 months where I "got my sh*t together", forgot almost all problems and moved on with life, and "surprisingly" the itchy scalp disappeared and I was felling much more confident with myself and had no anxiety crisis.

In 2016 my problems started again, and so did itchy scalp and receding hairline, although my anxiety issues are mostly taken care of, I still have depression and all that comes with it. For example, if i am watching TV and a man who has allopecia shows up, I imediatly feel the scalp itchy and "the hair falling".

At this moment, i am a little bit lost in life: I am fully aware that i spent 2 years of my life being miserable. I have relative success in college because i am a smart person after all (i am not this way because of college, i do study very little and i have concentration issues), and this bothers me the most, because i should be that lad that gets 9/10, explores other projects, plays sports and has intimate relations with females, according to my inteligence..... BUT I AM NOT, and have really receded hairlines due to this allopecia (almost type 2).

I do think that the allopecia is triggered by my nervous system: Before i had these problems, my hairstyle has like the young justin bieber's hair (not on purpose though), so my hair is groomed from the left to the right. As the easiest way to look at my hair in the mirror is pulling up left side hair, i have a much more receded hairline in the left (type 2 with recession bowing inwards) than on the right (i almost never look at it). I have a NW1 on the right ,at worse, but a small bowing inwards like on the left, on the same spot where i have an itchy scar.

My father, who is almost 60 has plenty of hair, and my uncle, from whom i got a great deal of "phenotype", has also lots of hair. My grandfather is bald, though.

I really need some advice, people! i know i must, with a capital M, go see a psychologist and probably a psychiatrist, but i need to hear stories that corroborate my nevous-caused-allopecia theory: If i treat my problems will the hair grow back? or am i doomed?

I do apologise for my huge text, but i really needed to share my anguish and also to help other folks who are feeling the same way i do.



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IMHO: You MUST see a specialist for your anxiety disorder. SSRIs can work miracles if carefully picked but you know that. And psychotherapy.
As for hair: Extreme stress can indeed exacerbate hair loss. But, in general, this happens in the form of a telogen effluvium, i.e. a generalized shedding in a short time. If you have a receding hairline, it is not very likely it is caused by stress. It could be genetic. In that case, once you sort out anxiety problems, you may want to see a derm to check the density of your hair and - if it is the case - try the approved medications for hair loss (propecia, minoxidil).
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IMHO: You MUST see a specialist for your anxiety disorder. SSRIs can work miracles if carefully picked but you know that. And psychotherapy.
As for hair: Extreme stress can indeed exacerbate hair loss. But, in general, this happens in the form of a telogen effluvium, i.e. a generalized shedding in a short time. If you have a receding hairline, it is not very likely it is caused by stress. It could be genetic. In that case, once you sort out anxiety problems, you may want to see a derm to check the density of your hair and - if it is the case - try the approved medications for hair loss (propecia, minoxidil).
Break a leg!

I have itch all over the scalp and i notice shedding in all areas of the head, but i would say that the most affected area is indeed the hairline (left side). If i am calm and focused on something, my hair is really strong and normal. Otherwise, the hair becomes greasy, really "frail", and it sheds a lot. Also i spend quite a few time scratching my scalp.
Btw, i have an appointment scheduled with a psychologist


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I can sympathize man. I developed a pretty debilitating anxiety disorder at 17 Which led me to using oxy and heroin... Very long story and thats all behind me (Clean from heroin 2011) i still have anxiety but at 34 i finally seem to have a handle on it with zero medication except .5 grams of canabis indica in the evening. Not recommending pot, its just what works for me and only specific strains( Medical grade) also SSRI 'S give me awful side effects... with hair my hair does seem to not be as full under long periods of stress, anxiety or depression. But ive never had recession of the hair line from it. Thats probably eary pattern hair loss unfortunately. Other stressors like long term depression, anxiety or stress, or physical injury or even some medications can sometimes kind of "jump start" male pattern baldness. I would see the psychologist try and get a handle on the anxiety/depression then maybe look into propecia or rogaine depending on what path you want to take. Good Luck man. Don't waste your 20's being miserable. I did it and regret it almost daily
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