Louis Walsh Hair Transplant


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Saw this in the paper this morning and thought I'd post it. There's some pictures in this article

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... ds-newsxml

I wouldn't have pegged him as any further than an NW2 previously based on that picture, perhaps with some thinning and possibly an 'island' of hair developing. Seems excessive to get a hair transplant with such minimal hair loss imo, especially considering that at 59, that's a very solid head of hair.

Perhaps being in the limelight has made him more insecure, or it's just the effect Cowell seems to have on him. Hell, apparently he got it for free, so I suppose we'd all take that. But if that sort of loss suddenly becomes unacceptable or scrutinized, surely we're all f**ed.


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No shots of his crown then....

So is that the opposite to FUE, the strips, or is this yet something else, How do they charge 20/30 grand when some do it for 6 to 8?

and what do they mean it grows 2?
Each extracted follicle is surgically implanted in the areas of the scalp where the hair is thinning and will produce two hairs that will continue to grow throughout the patient’s life.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... z1gJzVi3SD


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He had it done at Blackrock Clinic in Ireland, they charge a ridiculous 10 euros a graft.