Low Laser Therapy - Regrowth, or not?


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Ok guys.. I made a post here the other day that was unacceptably long so I am revising it by posting my questions one at a time in hopes of receiving your responses..

I am considering going to a local laser clinic in Miami. I've been in touch with them and they initally conduct an analysis of your scalp by maginifying it to determine whether or not you're a "candidate" for laser treatment by assessing the condition of your follicles I'm assuming. If it is determined you are not likely to respond to laser treatment, they of course have other solutions such as transplant etc they will recommend/offer.

I am only interested in the laser therapy. I'm curious as to whether or not anyone has had success with it. I owned the lasercomb for quite a few months but saw no progress in using it on a daily basis. While this could be considered overuse, if I was going to respond, I believe I would have seen evidence of that within a few weeks. The low laser therapy this clinic offers claims to have a laser many times more powerful than the lasercomb, which I can certainly believe based on the size of the comb.

Do you guys feel its worth a shot? Each session runs about $150.00 with a recommendation of anywhere from 1-3 sessions a week for a 10-15 week period depending on your analysis.. I'm thinking of breaking out one of my credit cards and going for the gold.. if I respond, I should respond well.. if I dont.. well I just wasted $1500 I really shouldnt have spent.. cause if I dont see any indication of response after 6 weeks I'd stop the treatment.


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Please don't cross-post.


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I cant really speak on the efficacy of the low level laser therapy but I do believe it is highly overpriced. I think your best bet would be to begin a solid regimen and see how that turns out. In the long run your better off going with an hair transplant than throwing money into an endless cycle of laser therapy.


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The bottom line is if you want to keep your hair, then get on finasteride and minoxidil. Otherwise, go ahead and waste your money on something that was shown to be effective in one shady study.