George Costanza

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I've been using the lasercomb for close to 8 months without much success. But they recommend 3x/week now and I was only using it 2x/week for 6 months. I've been using it 3x/week now for almost 2 months so will see if there's anything to it.


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Thanks for the reply and I'm sure the laser comb is a similar idea but I'm referring to the year long procedure in which you expose the scalp to a low level laser weekly as a means of stimulating growth.


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I know that advanced hair studios do it and they are the bigest bunch of conmen in hairloss


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I didnt know that you could buy all this online, or what to use.

I went to advanced hair studio and they guided me into having the laser treatment, minoxidil and this stuff that i havent heard about n e where else called serenoa 320 which is supposed to be like propeia but without the side effects.

So far so good... dont know rally whether the laser actually does n e thing but surely it can only help? I'm 5 months through my 6 month treatment and i'm 98% better than before.


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Kansta said:
I didnt know that you could buy all this online, or what to use.

I went to advanced hair studio and they guided me into having the laser treatment, minoxidil and this stuff that i havent heard about n e where else called serenoa 320 which is supposed to be like propeia but without the side effects.

So far so good... dont know rally whether the laser actually does n e thing but surely it can only help? I'm 5 months through my 6 month treatment and i'm 98% better than before.
serenoa is the latin name for saw palmento check out the warning about it on this site

also do a search on advanced hair on the net and you will soon learn how dodgy they are,the are allways get into trouble with trading standards


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your worrying me now...

if you know a bit about serenoa please tell me...?

I'll do a search on AHS to see what they are up to...


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Kansta said:
your worrying me now...

if you know a bit about serenoa please tell me...?

I'll do a search on AHS to see what they are up to...

sorry Adam i dont mean to worry you

When i first started losing my hair i looked the yellow pages and saw a ad for avanced hair and went to see them
the guy tryed to sell me this 200 dollar a month shampoo that would regrow hair, I found there hard sell very sleazy
they are just sale people not one of them has any medical training thats why they sell "herbal cures and wigs" as by law they cant sell drugs

heres the artical on saw palmetto


my advice would be keep away from all so called hair clinics they ether sell dodgy herbal cures or charge you a arm and a leg for a drug prescription for propecia

I would try rogaine(minoxidil) or propecia(finasteride)
as they have the backing of the FDA in the USA and have real scientific prof behind them

but before you do any thing else do some resreach on the net

and dont worry most people have tryed snake oil in the fight to keep there hair


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ok....i take your point. But what i will say in their defence is that what ever treatment they have given me, it has worked. I could show you a picture of how i was 6 months ago to now and you would be amazed!

I will start with propecia instead i think based on what you have told me. I dont like the idea of taking a drug that has not been proven.

Advanced hair studio when it comes to charging are crazy!! But my scenario was desparate to get help and the guy on the phone was so positive that he could help me and i needed that comfort at the time as i didnt know where to turn!

I hope you can understand that. I have and will carry on doing research, the idea of growing new hair follicles sounds very promising.

I'm hoping sometime soon, hairloss wont be considered an issue!


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Kansta said:
ok....i take your point. But what i will say in their defence is that what ever treatment they have given me, it has worked. I could show you a picture of how i was 6 months ago to now and you would be amazed!

I will start with propecia instead i think based on what you have told me. I dont like the idea of taking a drug that has not been proven.

Advanced hair studio when it comes to charging are crazy!! But my scenario was desparate to get help and the guy on the phone was so positive that he could help me and i needed that comfort at the time as i didnt know where to turn!

I hope you can understand that. I have and will carry on doing research, the idea of growing new hair follicles sounds very promising.

I'm hoping sometime soon, hairloss wont be considered an issue!

your regimen says your using 5% minoxidil thats most likey whats causing you hair to improve
I am not againest herbs to treat hair loss, i am sure that this a plant growing somewhere that will grow hair i just dont think its been found yet

A tip if you are going to use minoxidil or propecia get it off the net from the USA its much cheaper i ran out once and had to buy my minoxidil from a chemist in brixton it cost 30 quid for 1 month if i get it for the states in cost about 10 quid
I pay less then 200 poinds for a years supply of minoxidil and finasteride
if you want to save money buy proscar 5mg finasteride and split it into 1/4

if you need any other help just pm me


Ps this site has a lot of good info, its would be a good place to start your research