low testo and high estro...


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hi guys. sorry but this had bugged me for quite a while. After reading from other forum, i begin to wonder as to taking propecia will reduce testo...but does that mean it will cause an imbalance with high estrogen? what are the effect of having higher estrogen then...?

any answers will be greatly appreciated!!!


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Propecia does not lower your testosterone level, it increases it, because it stops it being converted into DHT. Some of that additional testosterone can also be converted into estrogen. I think that both testosterone and estrogen are increased by about 10-20%, but remain within the physiologic range. The possible effect of higher estrogen levels are the various side effects that are well documented.


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thx for the response. but may I know what would be the effect of having higher estrogen? guys having bigger xxxx?


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Lower libido, reduced ejaculate volume, breast swelling etc - all the stuff listed in the product inserts for Propecia, Proscar or Avodart. These side effects are relatively rare, though some people say that they are more common than the 2% or so recorded in the clinical trials for Propecia.


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thx pondle... :)


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10-20% was the median noted in the prescribing information. Obviously there are individuals either side of the median!


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From messing about with aromatase inhibitors I would say that gyno is def one of the things that the higher estro is to blame for - but i am not so sure about the lowered libido or errectile capacity. results have been inconclusive and frankly somewhat disappointing in that department. But somewhat puffy nipples/flabbiness around the chest cleared up in a flash.


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will the ratio proportion? i mean for those testo and estro which is converted from testo? kinda messup up a little bit...please enlighten me