Lump before starting finasteride

el longhorn

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I just started propecia four days ago. I'm starting very low at .25mg for the first couple of weeks. I've always had a small lump below my right nipple I guess since starting puberty (I'm 20 now). I'm wondering if this will be an issue with taking propecia? I tried to analyze the tenderness before starting so i could monitor it over the next few weeks. Anyone know if this will be a sure issue with gyno in the future? Only thing I've noticed thus far is ball ache but that seems pretty common when starting.


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Some people experience symptoms of gynecomastia during puberty. You might be at greater risk since you're one of them, but you'll know for sure if it gets worse. It hurts.

el longhorn

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hmm so I should definitely be able to tell if the lump/tissue is undergoing gyno? The lump has always been a little tender and it has the past few days but I think just because I'm paranoid I keep checking it lol..I'm starting to think I should just try Rogain until I finish the end of puberty