Lump Under Nipple from Propecia


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hello all,

I hope this doesn't shock some of you. I've been using propecia for about 3 months, and recently I noticed there was a lump just under the lower part of my nipple. I am somewhat traumatized. Has this occured to anyone here?



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I think that is a potential side effect. See the doctor that prescribed the it right away. You should have this monitored.


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Hi Donny,

Is it possible that the lump was there and that you never noticed it before or are you absolutely sure it just developed recently?

Either way you need to go to your Dr. If a dermatologist prescribed the propecia to you don't go back to that Dr since they don't speacialize in that type of problem. Make an appointment with your GP or an Endocrineologist.
Are there any other problems in that area. Is it sore? do your nipples itch?

It's possible it could be the beginning of Gynecomastia but you need to go to a Dr for a proper diagnosis. The good news is it will most likely go away if you stop taking finasteride.
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Yeah unfortunately after 4 months I developed some lumps aswell, and I know for a fact that it wasn't there before because I have been working out for the past 3 years and have been monitoring my body and fat levels. Damn you was working for me . But my body is more important.


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Hi Juan,

so do you still have those lumps? I assume you've stopped taking propecia. How many and how big were they? I am pretty sure my lump developed recently. It is a bit tender and it is about half an inch in diameter.



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1/2 in diameter and tender sounds like gynecomastia...damn it. Still you need to see a Dr. to rule out any other more serious possibilities.
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Yeah I stopped finasteride, I had one lump but I also gained weight while on finasteride. And because I am big on sports that cant be.

And though I thought that I had no sexual side effects, it is a totally different feeling being off this stuff. It feels like beer goggles actually...all the women seem so pretty :lol:
no really, it has only been like 12 days that I am off this stuff and I seem to be losing the fat that I gained while on this med. Also the lump is getting better.
So my way to compensate for not taking finasteride anymore will be:
Flutamide, Revivogen, Inflamil and addition to what I have been using: minoxidil and of course nizoral and copper peptides.

The Rock

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For those of you who say you are gaining weight on finasteride......that could be a result of the finasteride making u retain more calories or something or some other reason...but if u work out harder than u are now i see no reason why you would still gain weight.....and is the weight gain fat...or just u look at the scale and ur 15 lbs heavier