Mad at disinfomation


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When I started losing hair, like everyone else, I was in a panic despretely looking to find answers but had no clue where to look. First I went to my GP but he told me there was nothing that could be done and quickly ushered me out of his office, needless to say that was the last time I ever went back to him.

For the next couple of years I tried lots of snake oils, shampoos, lotions etc. Practices I looked up in the phone book are the biggest scams out there, expensive with absolutely no results, just scam artists preying on vulnerable people. I actually mentioned propecia to a so called expert after hearing about it on TV and he convinced me it wasn't effective and sold me a $300 shampoo/conditioner and tonic combo which was suppose to cure me forever.

To make a long story shorter, I just wish all these scam artist were shot. All the money, all the heartache, all the misinformation when I could have gotten onto proven treatments much sooner which could have saved my hair. I only wish I found this site first, so many guys in our situation just lost without the right infomation.

Bald Dave

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Like I mentioned in my thread entitiled "doctors" you might as well save your time and effort from going to see a Doctor because they just don't wanna know. Unless it is effecting you physically (which hairloss doesn't) the doctors will just tell you there is nothing you can do about it.


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Doctors don't care at all. The majority are bald anyway and probably couldn't give a flip. If you're a doctor you're loaded and respected and have a hot wife - who cares if you are bald? They just don't understand.

Dermatologists are bad too. Their main concern is skin cancer and perhaps throwing a few acne prescriptions at teenagers every once in a while.

Anything cosmetic is a complete non issue for most doctors. You could be walking around looking like the elephant man, but as long as you are "healthy" they will send you on your way.

I think they need to realize that a lot of cosmetic issues are more painful and debilitating than actual medical disorders.


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I totally agree. Forums like this are a much more informative place to find out information than probably any gp and most dermatologists unless they specialize in hair loss. My dermatologist doesnt seem to be very knowledgeable or even care which is strange since he is one of the baldest people i have ever seen, maybe he is to far gone to care or spiteful who knows. All he ever does is tell me propecia and minoxidil is the only thing that could possibly work and wouldnt give me a prescription to proscar because "its a different drug not fda approved for hairloss" even though its still finasteride and plenty of people split it with no problem. He also keeps pushing me into tryin to take more antibiotics for acne, which isn't very severe and is not my main concern to tell you the truth, even though ive taken antibiotics for years and they don't do anything but mess up my intestines and from what ive read on some forums possibly exacerbate hair loss. I would definitely suggest if you seriously want info about hairloss to steer clear of most doctors unless they specialize or your just lookin for a propecia script and nothing else and stick to forums


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My doctor was the same way, but he was open to giving me propecia.

My dermatologist was much "much" worse when I mentioned my hairloss to him. f*****g a**h** that guy was.

This site is definitely more informative. Actual people, real experiences, you get to judge for yourself rather than hear it second hand.

Ultimately though, I'm glad my doctor is more concerned with my physical health. Although you could stretch it to say that if your extremely bothered by hairloss, this could cause you to become depressed, which could manifest into physical health problems.


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Sounds like you were being ripped off Dudemon. What you have to ask yourself is, how do these people make their money? Selling you sh*t.... already a conflict of interest.


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:mrgreen: Quality username! :punk: PML


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Eureka said:
Although you could stretch it to say that if your extremely bothered by hairloss, this could cause you to become depressed, which could manifest into physical health problems.

In my opinion the society in general underestimates mental health. When someone goes through a breakdown, we look at him/her and think he/she is a total loser. I mean, look at what iwantperfection is telling HP, and yet he's himself stressed about hairloss. We don't know the circumstances, HP may or may not have his reasons.

Although, some of the users in this forum claim to be extremely confident and mentally stable, their presence here suggests that they are cosmetically not happy or they are not prepared to be cosmetically ________ (fill in the blank).

I'm probably guilty of pushing UM, CCS, and dudemon more than I should, but I only mean to help them realise it's not the end of the world.


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:agree: Good point.


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ali777 said:
I'm probably guilty of pushing UM, CCS, and dudemon more than I should, but I only mean to help them realise it's not the end of the world.
Thats the problem, you dont ge to decide "what IS and what is not" the end of the world for someone (especially if you are not at the same Norwood boat), people here ellgendly "tying to help" these guys because they dont want to become missrable as Um and Hp are when they hit nw6-7, they have this some sort of odd protection mechanism, as if by telling them its not right to feel the way they do it will effect the way the poster will feel later on... well sorry to break to you but thats wrong, you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu (sorry for bluntness), trust me when i tell you that they already heard it one too manny times how they should get over it, or realise its not the end of the world.... (hope my massage is clrear im kinda wasted atm :smoke: )


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Smooth said:
you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu

My solution for my NW5 brother is I'm going to pay for a lot of BHT for him. I'm getting my BHT first though. But then his. I figure he will need 15,000 grafts. Then I'll get him the penis enlargment in Serbia if it looks safe. Then I'll make sure he builds some muscle once I figure out how to build mine. And I'll keep him full educated on how people trick each other and how they fall in love, etc, so he does not get ripped off. Then I'll teach him how to express interest in women, and probe to see if they are interested, rather than just focusing on saying something interesting, and hoping she likes him. The later two are how you get hurt and used. I'll take care of him. Right now he's just focused on school and has his head in the sand as far as appearance and attraction, so I'll let him keep it there until I have the money to help him.


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Smooth said:
ali777 said:
I'm probably guilty of pushing UM, CCS, and dudemon more than I should, but I only mean to help them realise it's not the end of the world.
Thats the problem, you dont ge to decide "what IS and what is not" the end of the world for someone (especially if you are not at the same Norwood boat), people here ellgendly "tying to help" these guys because they dont want to become missrable as Um and Hp are when they hit nw6-7, they have this some sort of odd protection mechanism, as if by telling them its not right to feel the way they do it will effect the way the poster will feel later on... well sorry to break to you but thats wrong, you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu (sorry for bluntness), trust me when i tell you that they already heard it one too manny times how they should get over it, or realise its not the end of the world.... (hope my massage is clrear im kinda wasted atm :smoke: )

Mmm, not necessarily. Generally speaking when your as troubled by your self image as say maybe HP is or say moi are.. and basically a large percentage of the folks in these here parts who aren't as open and honest with themselves as certain others may be. sometimes an outside view can give you a better perspective. Oftentimes insecurity and self awareness do not go hand in hand.

And in the grand scheme of things we all know hairloss is a minuscule part of it all. That voice of reason is there in everyone. So how can you not try and kick someone in the buttocks and get them moving? Rather that then having something serious actually happen to them.. at that point hindsight becomes a b**ch and regrets are unending.

I do think you have a point there though, At least concerning HP and others. They will find their own way, they can't be coerced or forced through nagging.. not those particular cowboys at least.

uncomfortable man

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Oh what does it mean to be taken under his wing? To be an allumni in those hallowed halls of the CCS academy for male improvement. Lucky. :whistle:


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CCS said:
Smooth said:
you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu

My solution for my NW5 brother is I'm going to pay for a lot of BHT for him when my business takes off, if it takes off. I'm getting my BHT first though. But then his. I figure he will need 15,000 grafts. Then I'll get him the penis enlargment in Serbia if it looks safe. Then I'll make sure he builds some muscle once I figure out how to build mine. And I'll keep him full educated on how people trick each other and how they fall in love, etc, so he does not get ripped off. Then I'll teach him how to express interest in women, and probe to see if they are interested, rather than just focusing on saying something interesting, and hoping she likes him. The later two are how you get hurt and used. I'll take care of him. Right now he's just focused on school and has his head in the sand as far as appearance and attraction, so I'll let him keep it there until I have the money to help him.

This post rocks!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
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CCS said:
My solution for my NW5 brother is I'm going to pay for a lot of BHT for him when my business takes off, if it takes off. I'm getting my BHT first though. But then his. I figure he will need 15,000 grafts. Then I'll get him the penis enlargment in Serbia if it looks safe. Then I'll make sure he builds some muscle once I figure out how to build mine.
"Thanks for your help bruv now I'm ready to get me some poon"

CCS said:
I'll keep him full educated on how people trick each other and how they fall in love, etc, so he does not get ripped off. Then I'll teach him how to express interest in women, and probe to see if they are interested, rather than just focusing on saying something interesting, and hoping she likes him. The later two are how you get hurt and used I'll take care of him. Right now he's just focused on school and has his head in the sand as far as appearance and attraction, so I'll let him keep it there until I have the money to help him.
First you'll have to learn about all this for yourself.


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CCS said:
Smooth said:
you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu

My solution for my NW5 brother is I'm going to pay for a lot of BHT for him when my business takes off, if it takes off. I'm getting my BHT first though. But then his. I figure he will need 15,000 grafts. Then I'll get him the penis enlargment in Serbia if it looks safe. Then I'll make sure he builds some muscle once I figure out how to build mine. And I'll keep him full educated on how people trick each other and how they fall in love, etc, so he does not get ripped off. Then I'll teach him how to express interest in women, and probe to see if they are interested, rather than just focusing on saying something interesting, and hoping she likes him. The later two are how you get hurt and used. I'll take care of him. Right now he's just focused on school and has his head in the sand as far as appearance and attraction, so I'll let him keep it there until I have the money to help him.

Or you could just.....I dunno.....spare him from all of your f*****g insane insecurities and neuroses and let him live a normal life? Just a suggestion....


lovemyhair said:
o make a long story shorter, I just wish all these scam artist were shot. All the money, all the heartache, all the misinformation when I could have gotten onto proven treatments much sooner which could have saved my hair. I only wish I found this site first, so many guys in our situation just lost without the right infomation.
This is exactly why I made this website. You are right, and I feel your pain, frustration, and anger. Mine was so intense, I pooped this website out of my rear end as a result. :woot:



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Thickandthin said:
CCS said:
Smooth said:
you want to help a blad guy?! come with a solution or stfu

My solution for my NW5 brother is I'm going to pay for a lot of BHT for him when my business takes off, if it takes off. I'm getting my BHT first though. But then his. I figure he will need 15,000 grafts. Then I'll get him the penis enlargment in Serbia if it looks safe. Then I'll make sure he builds some muscle once I figure out how to build mine. And I'll keep him full educated on how people trick each other and how they fall in love, etc, so he does not get ripped off. Then I'll teach him how to express interest in women, and probe to see if they are interested, rather than just focusing on saying something interesting, and hoping she likes him. The later two are how you get hurt and used. I'll take care of him. Right now he's just focused on school and has his head in the sand as far as appearance and attraction, so I'll let him keep it there until I have the money to help him.

Or you could just.....I dunno.....spare him from all of your f****ing insane insecurities and neuroses and let him live a normal life? Just a suggestion....

I don't mind it at all, I see it as a bit of a banter... I don't think anything I read in this forum would make me feel insecure, I'm past that stage...

One fact he got right about me is that I have my head in the sand :sobbing: ...

In a very strange way, CCS and I are similar in the sense that both of us keep putting everything off until god knows what's going to happen to us. So, I'm not the only one with the head in the sand :shakehead: ....

Well, I'm actually putting the pen on the paper next week, and signing a job contract... But I still have some way to go :dunno:


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Baldies are not the only men who want to put their heads in the sand at times. Just about every average looking guy out there wants to believe he will some day get a romantic relationship with a pretty woman, not just sex here and there he has to work hard for that is not super exciting. There are plenty of out of shape NW1's who act insecure, but the difference is it is usually their own fault.