Made the unthinkable move - wearing a system now


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After the propecia side effect kicked in at the 1.5 yrs mark, I have stopped using it and I have and things are not the same anymore. Without much option given the large bald spot, at age 27, I have decided to go with a system.

I have shopped around and found this guy that make the custom piece for me for about $650 USD and service of $50 USD per month, tax included.

Anyway, I am wearing a system now :punk:
OMG the density is so high that altho it is not impossible at age of 27, I just looked weird in front of some of my frds - those who were thinning, they were shock. :freaked2: They said it is fake, I denied.
I dont know man, :hairy: I don't know how to handle the reality.


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For $200-$300 you could have got a much more normal density at toplace or coolpiece.

Anyway, I looked at my sister's fiance's hair. Pretty dense when dry. But I see all the scalp when it is gelled. So that tells me that even with very above average density, you should see scalp when it is gelled.


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emery said:
I just looked weird in front of some of my frds - those who were thinning, they were shock. :freaked2: They said it is fake, I denied.
I dont know man, :hairy: I don't know how to handle the reality.

They know man, you should have admitted it.


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Emery you`re paying about 5 times the amount of money that it should cost a guy to do this.
Not to mention, they`ve got you looking a fool. In front of your friends.

You can buy your own, and order them to be thinner density, put it on yourself, give yourself the haircut, then go hang with your friends.

Going to salons and hair replacement centers almost always results in the "too thick and fake" they just cant do it right man.

The list of places who CAN do it right is a very short list, tell you what let me know whereabouts you live and I`ll see if theres any of the good ones in your area.


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MichiganBaldy said:
Going to salons and hair replacement centers almost always results in the "too thick and fake" they just cant do it right man.

Your right! I order almost all of my units "Light" or Extra Light" especialy in the frontal area and they are often still too thick and in need of thinning. Most salons seem to order Medium or Med Heavy... which is fine if your a 16 year old Asian. My feelings are to order "Light" or Extra Light" for your first unit and adjust from there in the future.


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I can understand salons not wanting you to know how to change a piece yourself. But why don't they order these inexpensive pieces so their customers will be happier? Are they so hungry for profit that they only want to give you a supper thick piece so it will last a lot longer before they have to replace it? It just does not make sense.


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The piece thing is getting out of control! First the HM miracle, then RU power, next the shampoo guys, now the hairpiece!