Hello everyone. So I have always supplemented moderately or mildly well absorbed forms of magnesium in the reccomended dosages......... well. (Magnesium citrate and oxide)
I Also have had night time tooth clenching for many years...... I know magnesium is supposed to help, but the forms I used only helped slightly.
I then got into contact with someone who said why not try using the most bioavilable forms of magnesium for better overall absorption, which perhaps may yield an inhibitory effect on your unconscious nighttime jaw clenching in your sleep.
I said okay.
I got magnesium in the form of Magnesium Malate/Magnesium Glycinate.... I started taking this in june
I tried a single dosage of thos and the first night it literally cut my nighttime clenching by like 30 percent (i can always tell by how much my jaw hurts after waking up).... so then i upped my dosage to three times the reccomended dosage which equates to 150 percent of the RDA ( not really a big deal).
Anyway it was a month later (july) I started noticing some recession in my left temple. Now here I am about three months into its usage and my left and right temple have receeded more. I have more of a v shape than ever in my life....
I know that magnesium itself increases free testosterone which may mean more circulating DHT.... perhaps when taking my less well absorbed forms of magnesium, my body may not have absorbed enough magnesium to allow my dht to get out of control... but then upon taking a very well absorbed form, perhaps the effect on my dht is much higher suddenly.
Not to mention, the amino acid Glycine increases the hell out of DHT, and I used to take it and it increased my hair fall insanely so I stopped it.
Turns out one of the forms of magnesium in this most recent magnesium supplement that I take is Magnesium BiGLYCINATE.... So it is chemically related to glycine....
So perhaps between more actual absorbed magnesium in my system causing a downriver effect on my dht, plus the fact one of the forms of magnesium is related to glycine which has effected me negatively before, maybe thinks the reason for the sudden hairloss recession.
I have photos chronicling this.
I can show photos from January where I was fine, then June before it's usage, then July where I started noticing it. Then August and now september..... of anyone is interested in these pictures of be glad to share....
For what it is worth, before all of thos my hairloss was very mild and slow and Completely stopped with my usage of Zix..... but now, of more dht than before is attacking my follicles, perhaps the strength of my Zix simply is not enough....
Anyway again, judging by the swift cuteness of the increased loss after starting the supplement, in addition to me knowing glycine itself increases my hairloss insanely (glycine increase dht a lot), and I'm taking a form of Magnesium called BiGLYCINATE, maybe I'm screwing myself and should go back to my old magnesium even of it means I have jaw clenching problems at night.
Any thoughts?
Has anyone ever noticed increased loss from magnesium supplementation or familiar with how magnesium can indirectly increase dht?
Does anyone want pictures?
I Also have had night time tooth clenching for many years...... I know magnesium is supposed to help, but the forms I used only helped slightly.
I then got into contact with someone who said why not try using the most bioavilable forms of magnesium for better overall absorption, which perhaps may yield an inhibitory effect on your unconscious nighttime jaw clenching in your sleep.
I said okay.
I got magnesium in the form of Magnesium Malate/Magnesium Glycinate.... I started taking this in june
I tried a single dosage of thos and the first night it literally cut my nighttime clenching by like 30 percent (i can always tell by how much my jaw hurts after waking up).... so then i upped my dosage to three times the reccomended dosage which equates to 150 percent of the RDA ( not really a big deal).
Anyway it was a month later (july) I started noticing some recession in my left temple. Now here I am about three months into its usage and my left and right temple have receeded more. I have more of a v shape than ever in my life....
I know that magnesium itself increases free testosterone which may mean more circulating DHT.... perhaps when taking my less well absorbed forms of magnesium, my body may not have absorbed enough magnesium to allow my dht to get out of control... but then upon taking a very well absorbed form, perhaps the effect on my dht is much higher suddenly.
Not to mention, the amino acid Glycine increases the hell out of DHT, and I used to take it and it increased my hair fall insanely so I stopped it.
Turns out one of the forms of magnesium in this most recent magnesium supplement that I take is Magnesium BiGLYCINATE.... So it is chemically related to glycine....
So perhaps between more actual absorbed magnesium in my system causing a downriver effect on my dht, plus the fact one of the forms of magnesium is related to glycine which has effected me negatively before, maybe thinks the reason for the sudden hairloss recession.
I have photos chronicling this.
I can show photos from January where I was fine, then June before it's usage, then July where I started noticing it. Then August and now september..... of anyone is interested in these pictures of be glad to share....
For what it is worth, before all of thos my hairloss was very mild and slow and Completely stopped with my usage of Zix..... but now, of more dht than before is attacking my follicles, perhaps the strength of my Zix simply is not enough....
Anyway again, judging by the swift cuteness of the increased loss after starting the supplement, in addition to me knowing glycine itself increases my hairloss insanely (glycine increase dht a lot), and I'm taking a form of Magnesium called BiGLYCINATE, maybe I'm screwing myself and should go back to my old magnesium even of it means I have jaw clenching problems at night.
Any thoughts?
Has anyone ever noticed increased loss from magnesium supplementation or familiar with how magnesium can indirectly increase dht?
Does anyone want pictures?