Mainly body hair transplant


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Hey, found this on another website, ... forum_id=3

I know there is an on going debate about the use of body hair in hair transplants, well take a look at this, i've never seen a scalp as cut up and scared as this...This guy was refereed to Dr Umar and was out of donor, somewhat of a challenge.

Compared to how he looked before i think it's an improvement...the hair does look wiry but with some nanogen it could look pretty good. See for yourselves


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I wonder if there is some kind of conditioner or chemical treatment to make the body hair on his head into something softer and more managable. What does a body hair have/lack that a head hair doesn't? I'm interested in what type of products he uses to further conceal his loss.

It's not ideal, but I'm sure that guy's life has turned around.


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Depends on the body.


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Is it possible that over time the hair becomes somewhat more manageable? Or adopts head hair characteristics? I often wonder about which body hair would best suit a BHT case for me (I would never do it) but I get curious. It may sound strange but for me my armpit hair has the best characteristics similar to my head hair. I know it sounds odd but it's just the way it is.


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Beard hair is probably the closest.


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stjimmy said:
is there enough hair on the body to cover a completely bald head?

Depends how thick you want it too, maybe.

Big improvement for that guy. Looks like he has an afro and bleached it. Not bad though. He just needs some afro straightening stuff. Body hair is more curly than head hair, and shorter too. That is his problem. It grows longer once on the head, but still not as long or thick as you want.

I wonder if I'm making a big mistake getting all this laser hair removeal of my body hair. I have so much body hair. I look 10x better lasered. But maybe if HM does not come out, I would be better off saving my money and getting BHT to fill in my scalp density. I don't know what is a bigger hassle, a hair piece, or afro hair styling stuff.

Is it accepted that the donor area does not have dot scars? I'd be afraid to have dot scars all over my body. I might rather shave my head than have that. But a close up of that guy's beard did not show any scars.


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s.a.f said:
Beard hair is probably the closest.

My brother's beard is a lot curlier than his head hair. You'd have to grow yours out to see how it behaves. I bet some people have good beard hair. But you better not get any dot scars on your face. It would probably be courser than your head hair.


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But beard hair grows longer than any other type of body hair...

I don't think FUE leaves any scotch marks btw


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Jesus Christ.

I'm rather be bald, impotent and ugly than go through that! Although I hope for his sake it wasn't as painful as it looks.

It's an improvement (Although the hair doesn't look like normal head hair at all) but I'd much rather shave it off! Do the ends really justify the means!? Anyone know if he'll be left with permant scarring over his whole body?

Ah well, it is an advancement which is positive.

uncomfortable man

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Pretty terrifying :freaked: but considering all he has been through prior to seeing doctor umar, he came out of it with acceptable results (considering). This is encouraging to guys like me who still have untouched donor and plenty of body hair that under the right doctor, would most certainly achieve better results.