MAintaining on propecia-do we keep what we had from day 1?


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Hi everyone,

Q1: I am 20 years old and realized I was receding and thinning a few months ago. I went to see my doctor who prescribed propecia to me. I asked him what its going to do for me and he said "What you've got on your head right now, is what youre gonna keep while on this drug."

Having done alot of research and looking at the merck website I see that those who responded had more or the same amount of hair as when they started.

My question is this: in a year's time is it likely that I will have the same hair as when I started the treatment, i.e. Day 1, or will I be maintaining the hair I have once the propecia has stopped the hairloss (i.e. several months later)? Essentially I am still thinning in month 3 which I am not worried about, but I was wondering if I'm likely to get back the hair I lost in the process once the propecia kicks in.

Q2: Does propecia ever actually stop the hair loss entirely, or does it merely reduce it to a point where regrowth overshadows the hair you are losing? Basically is there likely to be a point where I will be seeing ALMOST no hair hairs falling out in the shower etc?

Thank you so much for your time.


Q1, finasteride starts to work straight away. Your hair should stay at baseline if you respond to the treatment. Hair that is being attacked by DHT will shed and then grow back thicker. Slick bald patched however will not grow back.

So in terms of keeping what you have is true, plus you will see re-growth with the hairs that are still attached yet have been attacked by DHT.

Q2, It slows right down the process of balding in men. You still may lose some hair but it will be negligible if you respond well.