maintaining w/rogaine


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I would love to hear from any person that has managed to maintain their present hair with the exclusive use of rogaine. No propecia or other side effects causing drugs. I find several sources on the internet that state that rogaine will/will not maintain the hair count, so, I would like to hear from individuals that have actually doing it. Thanks.


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I maintained my hair from June 2002-April 2006 with minoxidil alone. During that time my hair appeared to get no worse with gradual improvements the whole time. I've since started finasteride, but minoxidil "held the fort" for four years. Keep in mind, though, that minoxidil doesn't address the underlying cause of baldness so I imagine my results would have eventually declined, but I believe minoxidil can "maintain'' your hair, in a sense, for a period of time which may vary from individual to individual depending on your reponse to the drug.


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Nice one beaner, good to hear this sort of info especially as i'm only trying to hold the fort at the moment and started minoxidil a month ago. Could get really good for you now going on finasteride.


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Nick4441 said:
Nice one beaner, good to hear this sort of info especially as i'm only trying to hold the fort at the moment and started minoxidil a month ago. Could get really good for you now going on finasteride.

Oh, it is getting really good since the finasteride was added. I got a good amount of new growth within a few months of starting finasteride, and it seems as if every 3 months or so I notice really good improvements. I'll never get it all back, but I'm doing better than I ever hoped.


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GREAT to hear. I quit taking propecia 4 months ago and started using Rogaine Foam RELIGIOUSLY. So far, I am very happy with the results but I still worry about what is waiting for me a couple of months down the line.

It would be very hard to go back to propecia now that have been reminded what life is like without the side effects of propecia.

If Rogaine maintains what I have for 4 years, I will be thrilled !!!!
