Major shedding 3 years after starting treatment


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Here's my introduction:

I've been on Minoxidil 5% and Finasteride for about 3 years now. I use Nizoral 2% maybe once a week. This has worked okay for me. I've maintained and regrown hair. I cannot recall specific periods where I shed more than others. The hair on the top of my head just seems more apt to fall out than the hair on the sides and back of my head.

Lately, my hair has been shedding like mad, more than ever before. All over the top of my head, my hair is getting seriously thinner. Before this, I died my hair and it was fine. Then, I put a temporary color over it (to darken my hair) :hairy: My hair was fine for a while and now it keeps shedding!

Is this just a normal process I have to deal with?


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YOUR male pattern baldness COULD HAVE KICKED IN AGAIN.

It happens. You might need to up your regiment. Maybe start using dutas instead of finasteride.


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Notice the same, specially after comming back from Florida (warm weather).


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I too had my hair dyed about a year ago and thought my balding was from that but some of my hair regrew back. I'm not sure if you can loose permanent hair from dying ones hair. That is still a mystery to me. Any thoughts???

I've been told it should grow back. Anyway I wish you the best of luck with your situation.



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Pretty much in the same situation (I'm 25 years old btw), 26 months on finasteride, rogaine on and off.

Had a lot shedding at first (up to month 10), then a lot of improvement(up to month 16)...then a lot of decline(up to month 20). Then a little bit of improvement (up to month 24) and now this....been shedding like mad the past few weeks and experience hasn't helped feel like I'm fucked again. It's like 300+ hairs a day at least (the worst shed ever) which has put me in a bad bad place.

I'm thinkin of throwing in the towel, I can't take it anymore.

Even if it's a shed, it truly is horrific to have to withstand the cycles of hair growth. It doesn't feel like a never does.

Just a simple question, do sheds occur this late into treatment?


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a positive thought: maybe it could be synchronisation of the hairgrowthcycles of the hairs because of the introduction of finasteride or min...