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Hello I'm 31 and I started noticing my hair getting thinner around 7 months ago. There was still alot of hair, but it was harder to style. I went and saw my family Dr. and he did blood tests and told me he didn't think it was male pattern baldness. I was happy and tried not to think about it. I could run my hands through my hair and not get one hair to come out, believe my I tried. What I had was still pretty thick and tough. But I was still paranoid and figured I should start taking something to keep what I have. So I started Provillus and after 2-3 weeks i could see some regrowth especially on the front of my hairline. But then after 3 months I was shedding so much hair I could see my scalp all over the place. I went and saw a dermatolagist and he perscribed Propecia, completely ignoring the fact that I was shedding, because of the Provillus. I told him I was SHEDDING, not just loosing 300 hairs a day due to normal hair loss. But I got the Propecia anyway thinking it must be a normal responce and it would probably be better to be on the best hair loss treatment there is. I have been taking the Propecia for 1 month and the shedding has somehow actually got worse. If I even touch my hair it falls out and I'm starting to lose my mind! I have been consistently shedding for 4 months and my hair looks awful. I know all about how hair loss treatments cause shedding and that the new hairs are pushing the old ones out, but have yet to read a blog about how someone shed like this and successfully grew there hair back. That is what us shedders want to here! Someone who has been there. Not someone who has read about hair cycles and how they f**cking work. Are the massive areas of scalp that I shed off going to explode with regrowth? Someone had to have lost a ton of hair DO TO THE TREATMENT and then REGREW it. I can't find any of them on the internet so that is why I'm freaking out. All the blogs I run into are guys like me and all the responses are the same generic "hang in there man let the stuff do it's job" type of responses. I just wan't to here from someone who has lost alot of their hair due to the medication and then it grew back.


Senior Member
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it takes time to see the result, you will have to wait 3-4 months to see if its really helping. I know shedding is crazy and scary, you just have to ride it out, GL!


Experienced Member
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A lot of people on several forums didn't show signs of success until the 8 month to one year mark. Just stick with it, shedding can be a good sign too.