
Male 20 - Am I Balding? Should I Take Propecia

Balding/Mature Hairline/No Hairloss

  • Balding

  • Maturing Hairline

  • No Hairloss

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hi, I am a 20 year old male. I am unsure If am balding or have a maturing hairline. I have already visited a dermatologist who has told me that I dont appear to be balding as of yet, however another doctor has claimed that I do in fact have androgenetic alopecia.

I have always had a weird hairline for as long as I can remember, although my crown area is solid. As for my family, I have never met my real father however no one on my mothers side has experienced premature- balding. My grandfather and most uncles/cousins still have all their hair although a few of my uncles have experienced balding mid 30s onwards.

I have already started using nizoral shampoo to help with dandruff and rogaine to stimulate my hairline folliciles to grow thicker. Also I got a haircut/line up recently which might make my hairline look better

Am I balding, maturing hairline, or am I being paranoid?

Should I hop on finasteride ASAP or should stick with rogaine and nizoral shampoo for now?
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Thanks for your answer, would it be a good idea to continue using rogaine just in case or would it simply be harmful at this point?

I wouldnt do anything yet. Take a few pictures once a year, and if that day comes where you really do get male pattern baldness trust me you will see it. By that time you might have better safer things to use instead. Hell CB will be out 2021 or 2022 then we can toss finasteride into the trash can. You could use CB just for fun in case one day you might go bald since the sides are so much less.
Men with male pattern baldness in another 5 years will be a great place assuming CB does release


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My Regimen
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I wouldnt worry at this point unless your noticing something like a big increase in shed hairs. Also, dads side is very important to hairloss. Ask your mom if ur biological dad was bald or not.


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I wouldnt worry at this point unless your noticing something like a big increase in shed hairs. Also, dads side is very important to hairloss. Ask your mom if ur biological dad was bald or not.
Thanks for your answer, I dont really notice any shedding, although whenever I use shampoo i notice a decent amount of hair falling. As for my father, he wasnt bald from the photos my mom has shown.