male pattern baldness and Stress


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I've always noticed an increased hairloss in times of stress. I wonder wheter this stress causes a "normal" (i.e. reversible) hairloss or wheter it can increase the speed of the male pattern baldness-balding process.

I recently found an (somewhat technical) article about the connection between stress and the hair follicle.

Here's the document: (pdf)


The shedder

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My younger cousin who is female (17 Years old) has lost alot of hair due to psychological problems (stress, depression, anxiety) so i can agree with the correlation between stress and hairloss..


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hmm i've always thought stress to be a factor for over-all health. I believe it plays a minor role in hairloss. I just try to say "f*** it" so I don't get myself worked up about a certian issue.


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A minor role at most in pattern baldness, which is known to be a genetic condition. For non-pattern hairloss, it can have a varying effect from great to minimal.

The Gardener

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I don't think that stress is a major factor in the overall long term picture of your hairloss... BUT, I do think that stress plays a factor in the timing of your hair shed cycles.

In other words, stress may alter your shed cycles, but does not have as significant effect on the size of the new hairshafts that will inevitably replace the shed hairs.