
male pattern baldness or a maturing hairline?


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Hi guys, i'm new to this so just trying to familiarise myself with the various terms at the moment.I may be asking an age old question here but here it goes.I'm 29 at the moment and for the pat year have started to notice abit of recession aswell as some thinning on the crown area.What i'm wondering is, is this just me getting a bit older and as such my hairline is maturing or am I on the road to baldness?

I started on Nizoral a couple of months back just once a week for upto 5 minutes, this was done mainly to stem the itching.I've noticed the hairloss has become a bit more aggressive since, whilst i'd love to believe this is a shed and in a couple of months these hairs will have grown back thicker and fuller i'm not so sure.

Should I add the other 2 and go for the big 3 even just as a precaution?



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I know but i've not got pics at the moment, i'd say my hair is above average for my age, the hairdresser often comments on it.Maybe I should start on the big 3, as i've read elsewhere on here alot of people wish they'd started earlier.


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Without pictures it's impossible to say. I started on Propecia, when I may have just had a maturing hairline. Now I'm in the position of feeling stuck on it. We'd need some recent pics and some from when you were younger.